<p>Prompt: Do you think that ease does not challenge us and that we need adversity to help us discover who we are?</p>
<p>Only failure can bring true success. Only failure can unveil our imperfections and allow us to correct these impurities. Therefore, we need adversity to truly unleash our full potentials.</p>
<p>During American's bloodiest war, it wasn't until Ulysses S. Grant, the Union general, confronted adversity in the face of masterful tacticition Robert E. Lee did Grant discover his true potential and thus prevented America from splitting. Throughout the entire Civil War it seemed as if ever battle the Northern unionist won, the ywould lose two. However, this adversity may have been the exact workings that led the North to victory. Finally, after countless years of war, a much refined Grant - due to previous hardships - won the only battler that mattered, the one that ended the war. Grant, with his potentials unleash, defeated Lee at the Apomatach Courthouse and ended a war faught between brothers.</p>
<p>Furthermore, Rosa Parks, who faced adversity in face of discrimination, only became stronger as she stood for both women and black rights. Often, when depression is thriving within a community the discriminated will live in constant fear. However, this same overarching racism, was converted into motivation and it drove Rosa Parks to release her true self. The more threats she recieved, racist acts she saw, and pain and suffering witnessed around her only made Parks stronger. This adversity eventually pushed her to perform her famous act of civil disobediance - sitting in front of the bus as an African-American. Even after this, she didn't stop. When the famous Senaca falls Women Rights Convention denied her entrance, Parks still gave amazing oratories that eventually brought equality to all people - regardless o race or sex.</p>
<p>Thereofre, the answer to the question of, "Do you think that ease does not challenge us and that we need adversity to help us discover who we are?", is aboslutely yes. This is because adversity is quintisential in revealing our flaws, and thus openning the path to improvement that greats like Ulysses S grand and Rosa Parks walked to bring unity and equality in their respective time periods</p>