please help, am I on the right track?

<p>Hey all, yet another "chance me" post...oh well here we go:</p>

<p>First, about me, I'm 14 yr old sophomore (I skipped a grade), I'm black, female, my mom is Haitian, from an upper-middle class family. The main reason I'm doing this is because I'm homeschooled and so I'm not quite sure how well I'm doing. I definitely want to go to an I on the right track?</p>

*note: I've been homeschooled for most of my life, but my school district is awesome and allows homeschoolers to take classes at the local public schools. So here's what my high school transcript shows: (I know it starts in 5th grade, that's when I started taking high school classes so it's on my transcript)</p>

<p>5th Grade:
--Adv. Geometry
6th Grade:
--Adv. Algebra II
--Adv. Chemistry I</p>

<p>7th Grade:
--Adv. Honors Precalc
--AP Physics B
--French II
--2 electives</p>

<p>8th Grade:
--AP Govt and Politics
--AP Calc BC
--AP Physics C
--Adv. Honors World History I
--French III
--2 electives</p>

<p>9th Grade:
--AP English Language
--AP Music Theory
--Adv. French IV
--Adv. Topics Math (vector calc)
--Adv. Bio I
--2 electives</p>

<p>10th Grade:
--Adv. Molecular Biology/Genetics (essentially AP Bio)
--AP English Literature
--AP French
--AP Statistics
--2 electives</p>

<p>11th Grade (predicted):
--Spend a year abroad in France through Rotary Club</p>

<p>12th Grade (predicted):
--Work-Experience at Penn State research lab
--AP European History or AP US History
--AP Computer Science

<p>Rank/GPA/School Awards not applicable because I'm officially homeschooled. I will be fully enrolled at my local public school for senior year though.</p>

SAT: (taken in 6th grade for CTY) Math - 710, CR - 710, Writing - 740
ACT: (taken in 8th grade) 34/36
APs: currently an AP Scholar with Distinction, I plan to be a National AP Scholar
So far, I've gotten 3 5s, 2 4s, and 2 3s. Will be taking at least 4 (probs 6) more APs before I graduate.</p>

-Swimming (since I was 4, now I put in 18 hrs a week; as a freshman I won districts in my event and made varsity)
-Model UN
-Debate Club (9th grade)
-Youth and Government
-Piano (casually since I was 5)
-Violin (since I was 6, 9th grade orchestra, advanced strings and orchestra)
-Soccer (club team)
-4H Club
-Volunteer at Special Olympics each year, 2 days a year, 10 hrs each day</p>

<p>Other Accomplishments:
-Member of Mensa
-Summer camp at Phillips Exeter Academy
-Summer camp at Penn State Young Writers' Workshop (2 wks, 30 hrs of classes per week)
-Summer job teaching swim lessons at 14 (24 hrs per week)
-Part time job teaching swim lessons during the school year (4 hrs per week)
-Nominated for and commencement speaker at NYLC (National Young Leaders' Conference)
-Invited to first annual Math Prize for Girls contest at NYU (in November)</p>

<p>Possible Essay Topics/Passions
-public speaking/leadership
-working with children with disabilities (one of my brothers has mild asperger's syndrome, another most likely has ADHD, and I've taught swim lessons to children with autism or ADHD)
-something about spending a year abroad</p>

<p>Any thoughts/comments/help/advice would be much appreciated!! </p>

<p>[Sorry this is such a long post!]</p>