Please help: Chances of acceptance and recycling essay

<p>Thanks in advance to anyone reading/replying to this its quite a task but I honestly don't know what I can expect.</p>

<p>North Carolina
Male, white hispanic
GPA UW: 3.7 W: 4.5
SAT: V:760 M:670 W:550
SATII: Math2: 660 USHist: 750 SPN: 740
Senior Year:below
1st semester: AP PHYSICS, AP GOV, AP STAT, Hon Psycology
2nd semester: AP PHYSICS, AP LIT, Hon Eng, Hon Public Speaking
Great and good teacher rec, good counseler rec, good rec from the chair of foriegn language dept who I voulenteered for
EC: decent and quite a bit but no leadership, 1 month of work last summer, month of work voulenteering at afformentioned forign languages dept.</p>

UNC-Chapel Hill (in state, EA):
NC State (in state, EA, terrible essay =/):
Wake Forest:
Univ of Virginia:
College of William & Mary:

<p>note: I'm not to familiar with just how good of a canidate is required for these schools, those are just the main ones that im considering applying to esp the first 8.
If some are unrealistic or whatnot just let me know, maybe sugjest an alternative on the common app.</p>

<p>Also an unrelated essay question: I'd like to use one of my EA essays which I really liked as the common app chose your own essay choice, however its an essay that answers a question and doesnt really make sence without the prompt can I put the question at the beginning or do I want to rewrite it to be self contained.</p>

<p>To answer your second question, I would think that writing an essay to answer a question that you yourself have to put on the beginning would seem kind of weird. A perceptive admissions officer would probably know that you recycled it. It might help if you told us what the prompt is. If it’s something like “Describe someone who has influenced you,” that would be more acceptable than one of the questions on Princeton’s prompt, which is “Respond to the quote, ‘Princeton in the Nation’s Service.’”</p>

<p>I cant find the exact prompts but this is pretty close</p>

<p>one was: carolina students are known for being exceptionally curious, tell us about a time your curiosity led you somewhere you did not expect</p>

<p>Although I could probably morph it into a self contained essay about how my curiosity has shaped me.</p>

<p>another possibility was: Tell us about a time you tried something for which you had no skill, how did it turn out</p>

<p>I answered this with learning to ride a bike really late in life as a sort of metaphor for trying to be normal then getting rid of my bike and deciding to not worry about being normal. This one is a little ridiculous and I’d probably be better off using the other.&lt;/p>

<p>Also, if anyone knows those schools i mentioned above, tell me what you think about my prospects</p>

<p>bump, should I post in each individual colleges forum?</p>