[PLEASE HELP] Huge Error for UC Application

hey guys so I made a HUGE mistake on my UC application in the academic history section. I’m so worried right now about being rescinded and not being able to go to college. I got accepted to most UC’s so far but here’s the problem:

In my sophomore year, I took an online AP Psychology course that would be added onto my official transcript after the course was over. I got an A in the course itself but I didn’t realize that for online I only get credited for the course on my transcript as a one semester course on the official transcript for my school.

So i accidentally on the UC application gave an A for two semesters of AP Psychology when my official transcript only shows an A for one semester. This confusion happened as I thought the course I took was credited for two semesters but on reality the counselors only gave it for one semesters worth of credit.

So im literally having a panic attack on what to do. Since I already got accepted into these colleges, will they just rescind me? This was 1000% an honest mistake that happened only cause this course itself was online based and was not offered at our school so it was a bit out of the ordinary. Im freaking out and don’t know what to do. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks.

Contact the UC’s and explain your situation, the sooner the better. Being proactive now should help your situation.

Best of luck.

Thank you! Do you see this as a HUGE deal in your opinion? And see this as a possible rescinding matter? This was an honest mistake that I just happen to accidently give myself one extra semester grade for a course that was one semester only. Ive been freaking out this entire day:(

Thank you! Do you see this as a HUGE deal in your opinion? And see this as a possible rescinding matter? This was an honest mistake that I just happen to accidently give myself one extra semester grade for a course that was one semester only. Ive been freaking out this entire day:(

I do not see this as a huge mistake, so all you can do is wait for a response from UC admissions and keep any documentation you get back just in case this is an issue later.