Please help I have 3 days left..Was I accepted or waitlisted into UPark?

<p>When I check my application status online it shows a picture of a guy in a nittany lion suit with his hands in the air and big letters saying "Accept Your Offer of Admission." So after I click the image it says on a new screen:
"Congratulations on your acceptance to Penn State University Park. Now that you have decided to join the Penn State community, a world of opportunities will become available to you. In the coming months and years you will be part of an educational community that will prepare you for life as well as career. You will become part of the chorus of voices that proudly say, "We Are Penn State."</p>

<p>I was extremely ecstatic that I was "accepted into University Park" until I received in the mail today a letter saying:
"Given the high level of competition we are not able to offer you admission to the University Park campus at this time. However, we have placed you on a wait list for admission to University Park. This will allow us to keep you under consideration for University Park admission if space becomes available. Our goal is to notify you as soon as we can about the possibility of your admission to University Park, but you will receive a final response from us no later than June 2, 2008."</p>

I am in a deadlock between UCF and PSU. I need to reply to UCF and pay my tuition deposit by May 1st which is 4 days if you choose to count today. I really want to go to PSU though but now I don't even know if I am accepted into UPark. Should I pay the UCF tuition deposit and give up on PSU? Or should I wait it out for PSU and decline UCF?</p>

<p>I am a Florida resident so I will be getting 100% of my UCF tuition paid for. As we all know, PSU tuition is very expensive especially in comparison to what I will be paying if I attend UCF, however, I can still afford PSU. </p>

<p>Because I need to make a decision I have a couple of questions that I hope can be answered:</p>

<p>Does PSU have a better college for Pre-Medical students than UCF?
How is Penn State's business program? Would it rank higher than UCF's?
Would it be wise to save a lot of money for UCF rather than spend a significant greater amount for PSU?</p>

<p>I just realized I asked a lot of questions about UCF in the PSU forum that probably should have been brought up in the UCF forum. Just to put things into perspective Penn State is ranked #48 by USNEWS' list of best American Universities and UCF is third tier.</p>

<p>Any help and guidance on what I should do would be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>That sound quite odd about the fact that it said you were in online..and got that letter. Definitely call them and inquire into the status. If you're waitlisted, put in both deposits if you want to go to PSU really badly. But, seriously, 100% free tuition is something awesome. =]</p>

<p>Definitely call PSU admissions ASAP and explain the contradicting information. There is a possibility that they accepted you after they sent out the waitlist letter.</p>

<p>I don't know anything about UCF, so I cannot compare it to PSU. However, the Smeal College of Business is ranked somewhere in the top 20 (or 25) in the nation.</p>

<p> tuition at UCF is something to consider. Congratulations.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot asdfjkl1 and karp4170 for your input.</p>

<p>I was just about to call admissions when I decided to check the mail and I received a packet saying congratulations I'm offered admission to the Eberly College of Science for Fall 2008 at University Park. I'm very excited about it but my mother is upset about the cost. Now I need to convince her to support me!</p>

<p>So I live in florida too, and applied as a transfer with aa to UCF and Penn State.. Ucf has been deferring my descion until they recieve verification of my AA. which I wont have until end of july, and school starts end of August. DOnt know how much time im going to have to regrister. UCF seems pretty unorganized.. </p>

<p>Guess will see what happens</p>