Please Help, I have questions about classes at community colleges; I'm in dilemma

<p>I’m in a little dilemma, and I need your help.
I’m a high school junior and I have a question about taking classes at a local community college. This summer, before my senior year, I want to take some sort of art at a community college. I haven’t fulfilled my Visual and performing art requirements for UCs. And next year I will have a packed 7 courses including my Visual performing art.
If I take an visual or performing art class at my local community college, will it fulfill UC’s 1 year of visual or performing art credit? I want to free up a class so I can take AP chemistry.</p>

<p>Anyone do this before?</p>

<p>I'm doing it now. I'm taking a semester at the local junior college which = 1 year VPA. Plus a full load in high school. But I'm not taking any AP classes, so it's doable. Actually, my college class is a lot of fun.</p>

<p>what's your VPA class? I want to take a VPA at a community college over the summer, so I can free up a class and take AP Chem my senior year.</p>

<p>Intro to Photography.</p>

<p>I have another question.
So I'm currently a junior, if I take a VPA over the summer will it factor into my UC GPA?</p>

<p>It doesn't work with my school. When I had the form for High School/Parent Consent Form for my counselor to sign in order to enroll in local CC; she made sure twice that I understand the courses does not count for credits towards my high school graduation. However, these points do transfer to UC afterwards if valid on
I suggest that you call the UC admission, and see what they say...</p>

<p>ok. Thanks. Maybe it works differently with different schools.</p>

<p>Yeah, I don't know about summer, since it's usually 6 weeks so I don't know how that factors in. I agree, call UC admissions and ask. All I know is that my one semester at CC = one year high school in the subject. AND, you have to make sure that it's "UC transferable" vs. "Cal State transferable". Look over the classes offered at the CC -- it should state if it will transfer -- or you could ask UC admissions, since they can go online and tell you right away if they'll accept it as your VPA. OK so it may not go towards graduating HS, but if it fulfills one of the A-G subjects, that's what you're looking for. Then you have to send the CC transcript to the UC along with the HS transcript once you get accepted.</p>

<p>Taking an appropriate VPA course, UC transferable worth at least 3 semester units, through your local community college during the summer will count for the required year of VPA. Your high school will not need to accept the course; you will still list it on your UC application. Taking it the summer after your junior year should help, or harm, your UC GPA. Please list the course along with your Junior year courses.</p>

<p>Thanks UCD Admissions. Also, I'm taking calculus AB at a high school summer program over at another high school this summer along with my VPA at a local community college. Will the calculus also get counted into the UC GPA?</p>

<p>If you have the grade by the time you file your application we recommend adding it to your junior year so it is calculated into your GPA. Unless you school will be listing the course as taken in the fall of your senior year.</p>

<p>Take History of Art if you do not like the performing arts all too much. Its easy and requires no artistic talent whatsoever</p>

History of art requires no artistic talent :o I think it might be for me. I don't have any artistic still with stick figures</p>

<p>Which classes will satisfy the Visual/Performing Art for the a-g requirement?
1. Fundamentals of Music (3 Units Degree Appropriate, CSU, UC)
2. History of Jazz (3 Units Degree Appropriate, CSU, UC)
3. Basic Digital and Film Photography (3 Units Degree Appropriate, CSU, UC)
4. History of Western Art:Renaissance Through Modern (3 Units Degree Appropriate, CSU, UC)</p>

<p>UCD Admissions
You said If I take a UC-transferable 3Unit Degree Appropriate CSU, UC I don't need to have my high school approve it? If so thats good because my high school just my petition to take it at my local community college. All I need to do is send my High school transcript and my community college transcript to the UC when I apply for colleges next year right?</p>

<p>Please see the Visual and Performing Arts “f” section of <a href=""&gt;;/a> for information on what meets the VPA requirement. ON your application you will need to report all a-g courses taken at your high school and any college or universities you have attended. Once you are admitted the UC campus will inform you when your deadline to send official records from all schools, colleges and universities.</p>

<p>If a student has taken other UC transferable classes at a community college or another UC that go beyond the VPA requirement or A-G requirements, are those grades figured into their UC GPA?</p>

<p>And, if I can ask an off topic question... does a student need to take more than four years of foreign language in high school if their school offers AP level 5 classes? I think AP Spanish 5 may be very difficult for my child to excel in his senior year, but he is being advised to take it to show the most rigorous courseload.</p>

<p>I took Art History at my CC in the summer before my senior year. I got ten credits for it, which fulfilled the one year VPA requirement. I highly recommend it; it's probably the most efficient way to get those credits, since the class was only six weeks long. If I were to take a year of VPA at my HS (they didn't even have Art History), it would have taken roughly four times longer (hour and day-wise) than taking it at CC. It also boosted my UC GPA, since I got an A and also AP credit for it since my school didn't offer it. If you've taken AP classes in HS, you'll probably have no problem taking an Intro CC class like Art History.</p>

<p>Please see <a href=""&gt;;/a> for information on what courses will satisfy the requirement.</p>

<p>If my Survey of World Cinema class is on the Arts and Humanities list on Assist for transfers or whatever</p>

<p>Does that cover me for my A-G?</p>