Please Help Me Choose!!!


<p>I am currently deciding between Carnegie Mellon University's business school Tepper, or the University of Miami's business school. I live in Miami so it would be close by. Miami is also offering me a full ride + about $10,000 pocket money. However, I've heard Tepper is really prestigious and is worth the extra money. I was offered about $37000 in grants from CMU and a $2500 work study and $3000 loan. So a little over $42000 was the total financial aid offered. The Cost of Attendance is about $49000. Is CMU worth the extra 6 or 7 grand a year in loans, or should I just stick with UM for undergrad since I will be making money on top of receiving full tuition?</p>

<p>Spend the money if you feel CMU is a springboard to a better internship, 1st job, or grad school. Otherwise Miami.</p>

<p>Miami's social life is infinitely better than CMU. They're giving you 10K in pocket money?!?! This is such an easy decision. Miami's business school has great connections in the city of Miami and a great regional reputation. </p>

<p>You are underestimating what Miami is offering. A full ride = cost of attendance all paid for, and the 10K in pocket money. You aren't paying a cent for a good degree, actually, they're paying you! CMU is making you work for 2500, loan 3000, and then pay the 7000. That's 12500 more CMU is each year (meaning 50,000 total - a year's salary) and we're not even counting the 10K Miami is giving you (i'm guessing that 10K is over 4 years, meaning 2500/year).</p>

<p>I have no affilation to either university, but CMU in no way, shape, or form is 60K better than Miami. Miami is on the beach, in your hometown, with the clubs, with the warm weather, with Division 1 athletics, on a beautiful campus. Are you kidding here? Is this even a question? Take Miami!!!!</p>

<p>Both are great choices, congratulations. </p>

<p>Something you may want to consider... if you plan to return to the Miami area after school, UM will provide great internship opportunities and connections in the southeastern US. Good luck.</p>

<p>What if you aren't planning on staying in Miami?</p>

<p>By the way, it is not 2500 per year, it is actually 10,000 per year. Yes, $40,000 over 4 years!!! I am really uncertain about where I want to go though. My family wants me to stay here, and my counselors think that I am giving up a wonderful opportunity if I reject CMU's offer. And, I don't even know what **I **want anymore. CMU is working, however, to give me a more competitive financial aid package since I mentioned UM's offer to them. They say 2morrow I will receive my revised financial aid package. Hopefully, this will make my decision a little bit easier. But, I have heard great things about both universities. At first, I thought it would be a no brainer as well (pocket money vs. negative pocket money). But, my counselor basically talked UM down to the ground and said that she'd be disappointed if I didn't take CMU's offer because its renowned business school (ranked #5). By the way, I would like to study finance, real estate, and possibly a bit of accounting if that makes a bit of difference. Also, do you guys no what website could provide me with information about internships that past students received?</p>

<p>I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, but here is a link to the companies that recruited at the spring Career Expo on the UM campus.
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I would call the Toppel Career Center or the Bus. School for more info.
<a href=",1770,31647-1;31779-3,00.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;,1770,31647-1;31779-3,00.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>CMU is a great opportunity and will open many doors in many places. It probably is worth the extra money if the school is a good fit for you. You can also get a great business education at UM if the fit is better. Make a list of what your ideal school would be and see which one comes closer-bear in mind, no school will be perfect. Keep talking with your parents and know that hard work at either school will lead to a successful career.</p>

<p>Smartbrotha, how are they paying you $10k a year to attend? I thought scholarships and aid couldn't exceed the cost of attendance.</p>

<p>Congratulations, you can't really go wrong.</p>

<p>Carnegie Mellon is only ranked 5th in the US News rankings. In the Business Week rankings, much closer to what is important in a business school, Tepper is ranked 19th. Also, in the wall street journal rankings, Miami is something like 8th for regional reputation, which is what is really important because outside of the top 25 schools, every company that is going to recruit is going to be a regional company. Carnegie Mellon is the better school, but Miami is a very good school in it's own right, and you wouldn't be </p>

<p>10K per year?!?! I mean, your counselor is a moron. I'm sorry. The opportunity at Miami is something you can't pass on, not the one at CMU. You're never going to see a top 50 university throw you what they're giving you. If you decide later on "maybe I want to go to CMU", you can transfer, the financial aid will come back. Your full ride and spending cash won't. And even if Miami isn't what you want (and I don't think you'll have any problem with Miami), you at least are getting paid 40K for it.</p>

<p>I wouldn't pass down on the Miami opportunity in a heartbeat. It's close to home, you will know people going there in addition to meeting lots of new people, the price difference is enormous, and I wouldn't ever go to Pittsburgh, PA over Miami, FL. Love the sports, love the spirit, the hot women, the clubs, the beaches, the campus. This is a slam dunk.</p>

<p>Thank you for your help. My counselor is soooooo hell-bent on me attending CMU that it seems if i don't go, then she'll explode. But definately, i completely agree with you. I initially thought that UM would be the offer I couldn't pass up. Never had I heard of a university offering its student so much money to go. My counselor used this as an excuse to say how mediocre UM was. She told me that the only reason UM was giving me so much money is b/c they are a worser school who needs to attract more intelligent individuals. However, I just listened to her and sorted through the useful stuff, and the biased information. I know that UM doesn't just throw out free money to everyone so I am definately grateful. I think I might just be a hurricane this fall :-)</p>

<p>wat??? Mediocre?? ur counselor must be really biased. Lots of schools that are some of the best offer students lots of money. For example: UF, UVA, UMich. The fact that schools give lots of money is to yes, attract motivated kids. generally high calliber students have offers from other top schools and scholarships are ways of making their school stand out from the other top schools. Look I will say that CMU has more prestige. its just been added as an Ivy league, but UM is still a top school. its ranked in the top 50 and has 40% acceptance rate so its definately not easy to get in. U will still get a great education at UM. U cant really compare CMU prestige wise to UM as CMU is a new kid on the ivy league while UM is more in the "top school" area. UM is comparable to UF and Penn State which are all large top schools. I would say if ur 100% fixed on prestige go to CMU. UM is definately a top school with lots of prestige (top 50) and although it dosnt beat CMU in prestige i assure u the school pride, athletics and college experience will be more fun at UM than at CMU.</p>

<p>acarta, CMU was not added as an Ivy League.</p>

<p>really? i thought i remember seeing it. I guess im wrong :P
eitherway CMU has more prestige but overall college experience is better at UM and its not like UM lacks prestige, it is very presitgous and is gainign more and more prestige every year.</p>

<p>CarnegieMellon's business school is completely unknown in California. FWIW. If you want to go west just go to whichever school you prefer for the culture.</p>

<p>everyone is SOOO hung up on prestige!!! it has little-to-nothing to do with the real world. hopefully the beginning of the fall of the US NEWS rankings has started. i wonder how many students have been led astray by them? Smartbrotha...go to your best fit, not US NEWS' !!</p>

<p>I received an updated financial aid offer from CMU and now they offered me an additional $6000 in scholarship money per year, making my full financial aid package $48000 + yearly, which covers just about everything since the COA is about $49000. I guess this makes my decision a little bit harder now. :-/. However, I have been listening to all of your comments. I really appreciate them all and I think that although CMU has a good offer, I might just stay at home and go to UM. Some of the people I've met at UM seem really cool and it seems like UM is a community of individuals. Although CMU might very well have this same type of community and friendliness, I have never visited before so I wouldn't know. In all honesty, I think it is really too late to go try and visit and make a decision to attend CMU. I don't know</p>

<p>Just to give the other side of the coin. I agree Miami has the weather, social life all that great stuff. But college could (should?) be a time for exploration. Maybe something different than what you've experienced your whole life.</p>

<p>If it were all the clubs, women, sports, weather (gee it DOES sound good!) why wouldn't EVERYONE want to go to UMiami? Instead you'll find top students scattered all over the country, clamoring to get into schools in cold dreary cities...Boston, Philly, New York, Chicago, Baltimore, Pittsburgh...and loving their schools. CMU is in a cool part of Pittsburgh called Oakland; UPitt campus is literally a couple blocks away so combined there's upwards of 30,000 students in that section of the city. It's an area of restaurants, coffee shops, museums, bookstores, a lot of activity...South Beach it's not but it's still entertaining and lively has most of what you want in a college area.</p>

<p>It's a shame you couldn't have visited. UM sounds like a great school. Just saying CMU is a top notch school (especially for virtually free!) that would be a different experience for you, and you have the whole rest of your life to go back to Miami if that's your choice. Good luck.</p>

<p>thanx 2331clk. My counselor was going to arrange a "school" fieldtrip for me to visit CMU before May 1st so I can make a more educated decision. The thing is that, I don't have any family support on me leaving to go to school. My mom and my other family want me to go to UM b/c its close to home. My mom is a widowed parent, and I am her youngest child, so I guess its really hard for her to see me go. My counselor says that I worry way more than I guy my age should. But, its just that I don't want to disappoint my family by leaving, especially since I don't know if I want to go in the first place. Not saying that CMU wouldn't be a great experience, which I think it will be, but, I NEVER thought of leaving home. I just assumed that I would stay here, so I never really looked too much into colleges outside of miami. And, when I did apply and decide that I might want to go to a school out of state, I felt guilty for thinking of leaving my family, and I even received months worth of guilt trips. Honestly, I wish that I had a family that would be encouraging me to go to a good school (not saying that UM is not a good school), but I wish I had a family to support me in everything and every decision I make. Everything seems so much harder for me. It seems that I am willing to sacrifice my desires to make others happy. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but I just don't want to regret anything.</p>

<p>Wish I was in position...</p>

you gotta be first! and that's that! we, as parents, are supposed to let our kids go...that's our job! MANY years ago, i left my widowed mother to get married.she loved me enough to let me go. (oh, and i was the youngest child.) you may have to do the hardest thing you've ever done before in your life...and do what's right for you. months of guilt trips?? sounds awful and very unfair to you. think this one through.</p>