Please help me if possible. SCIENCE MAJORS, HELP ME!!!

<p>I am having a lot of trouble with what to major in right now. Iwas looking tomajor in biology. My advisor put together a plan that consisted of taking ecology in the summer plus the lab (in condensed form) then starting the fall semester with Ochem, celluar biology, and molecular bio. That's three science classes + 3 labs and other prereqs. I want to know if this is a bad idea...
I am already behind a year, and I am not sure if I should even switch my major at this point but to not switch it becuase I'm scared to do so, or because i dont want to be behind is not a good enough reason right? Please help me with any advice or information, I really am struggling...I feel very lost.
Also, I really don't know what life will be like even after attaining these degrees. I wanted to either apply to med school or pharmacy school, etc. but i really don't know if I am SMART enough to do so, its just so competitive... and I feel even worse because I am already a yeard behind WHAT SHOULD I DO</p>

<p>What kind of GPA do you have?</p>