<p>I'm a sophomore at MSU and am entering that pivotal semester where it's a good idea to know what you're doing come junior year. I don't. There's no site where people just sit around and talk about their major on a frequent basis, so that's why I'm trying this here. </p>
<p>After 2 major changes - current is mechanical engineering, only to find out I can't meet the requirements by junior year - since I started and not enough specific courses to meet the requirements for any college that has them, I've been looking at both Economics and Media and Information as potential majors. I'm minoring in Economics if I go for the latter (or any other major). Could someone provide insight on either of these or both, maybe based on people you know or things you've heard? Hell, talk about a different major if you want. I'm looking for anything that can give me an idea of the specific experiences majors offer (except for business/engineering). </p>
<p>Thanks in advance for any replies that you may have.
<p>Hi! I’m a senior economics major (as well as international relations) so if you have any questions about that feel free to pm me. Economics is a pretty nice, versatile major to be a part of because you can pretty much do anything with it. Government, banking, consulting, finance, research, market analysis, even tech-based jobs (with some computer/IT experience) etc. The MSU econ. dept isn’t the greatest or the most helpful so you kind-of have to seek out your own opportunities. Even as an economics major you can look into any of the Broad business school events/company presentations. And shameless plug - I’m the VP of the Michigan State Student Economics Association, it wouldn’t hurt to drop into one of our meetings if you are interested in economics
<p>Media and Info systems is pretty cool, with the degree you can get IT jobs at pretty much any type of company you can think of. Don’t really anymore than that though…</p>
<p>The other major I’d suggest to look into is packaging…I know you don’t want business/engineering presumably because of the tons of reqs needed to get into those colleges. But packaging career-wise at MSU is a great option, if you would be interested in supply-chain/engineering type stuffm as we have one of the best packaging schools in the country and you are practically guaranteed to have potential employers lined up to hire you. Good luck!</p>