Please help me with this situation (esp. UCDadmission)

<p>i am really having trouble in my AP physics C class and i am thinking about dropping it second semester. if i drop it in the beginning of second semester it will not be reported as drop or withdraw on the transcript. will it hurt my chances if i drop it. how would i contact the schools that i applied that i drop the class. thanks</p>

<p>same question: if I drop an AP Language Class, will my chances be hurt?</p>

<p>i took ap spanish my senior year, got a D in the class and dropped out. but i still managed to take spanish 4 and get a B in the second semester. no i did not tell the colleges i got a D, no i did not tell them i switched out until acceptance letters came in, and no i did no get revoked because of it. bascially, as long as you substitute that ap physics with another academic class and do well in it, i don't think it should matter too much.</p>

<p>but then it is too late for me to join another class though. i don't think i can catch on. is it good to just have 4 periods. also what school did you get in to. how did you contact the schools.</p>

<p>Any changes to the application will have an effect on the decision. For freshman applicants it is always better to complete everything as you stated on the application with a passing grade. If you must make changes the UC campus will have to review the change, situation and circumstances to determine if this change will have an effect on your application since the academic review of your application might have been completed already. It is always better to replace the course with another “a-g” course to keep the total “a-g” course count the same; however, this isn’t always acceptable.</p>

<p>Similarly, a “D/F” in any course is not advisable either. Each UC campus will have their own way for students to report changes. For UC Davis please report coursework changes through the MyAdmissions portal. You will receive information about this portal by email soon after we receive your application.</p>

<p>my uc gpa was i think around 3.6 and my sat first sitting was 1750, second sitting 2060. sat 2's (only took once), bio-700, math 740. i only applied to uc davis, irvine, sd, and la, and got into all but la, which was expected because my gpa was pretty low. anyways, like ucd admissions said, after i got in, theres a section on the myadmissions portal that says report any changes in your academic record or something and u just explain what happened in there. i thought i would get revoked from ucsd because of my D in ap spanish, but it didn't seem to matter i guess... not saying u should get any D's, but its not the end of the world..</p>

<p>then, UCD admission, what is your suggestion for me.</p>

<p>My friend called the UCs after she decided to drop physics, and her response from at least Berkeley was that it was fine that she dropped it (then again, she didn't get in), so I would say to either email or call the admissions offices about it. I would definitely suggest dropping the class if you think you're going to get a D or F, so long as the schools allow it (and so long as you fulfill your A-G requirements anyways), especially if you're an otherwise strong applicant that stands to get into UCLA or Berkeley.</p>

<p>should i replace it with a a-g class or would teacher's aid be fine</p>

<p>If you haven't finished all the requirements for A-G, then yeah try to finish those. If not, then I guess it would still be good to get one of those classes as opposed to being a teacher's aid, but if senioritis hasn't hit you yet, it might be a good idea to have an easier schedule to make sure you satisfy the minimum requirements for senior year.</p>

<p>so when is the best time to call or email; after i drop or when i get acceptance letters. or would the myadmissions portal be enough</p>

<p>One of the factors considered for admissions is the total number of “a-g” courses completed. Another factor is of course the GPA. You would need to base your decision know this information. Also consider the following; will I need to take the college level courses of these courses. For example, will you have to take physics in college to graduate? If so, then taking the high school course most likely will make the college course a little easier since it isn’t your first time through the material. Please notify the admissions office as early as possible after making the change; although some offices might ask you to wait.</p>

<p>what is the best way to contact them, phone or email. can i have a list of contact information for each school. would it be too late to contact them during late january. i have already completed the required A-G classes. thanks for your help so far.</p>

<p>At the left of this page you can select the campuses and it will give you the contact information. And email or phone call should suffice.
University</a> of California - Admissions</p>

<p>Same here. My grade in Physics right now is about a D+. I just don't understand Physics whatsoever.
I'm taking 4 APs, 1 Honors, and 1 a-g (1 year of art is required) this year. I have A's in every class but Physics >_>
But it's too late for me to drop out so I don't know what to do :/ I put in the time and effort but I just don't get any results.</p>