I have done high school outside of the U.S. and then went on to university for 4 classes and was half the time there due to some problems at home. I want to enroll into a community college now and start anew, however I'm scared that my grades from the past schools I attended will be there and affect my new grades at a community college. I passed a lot of classes which means I could easily transfer after a year at a community college but GPA-wise, if those classes weigh on my GPA then I don't think I can even get in anywhere because they would lower my GPA.
So I guess my question is, when I enroll in a CC, is my gpa at the CC the only one that will matter and those classes I previously took can be used to validate requirements or will they think into account all the grades?:/</p>
<p>thank you so much for your help in advance!</p>
<p>They will take in to account all grades. Also, when you apply to UCs, don’t lie about your grades on the app. They will find out and it will not be pretty.</p>
<p>i’m not going or intending to lie about my grades at all. I want to send my transcripts in fact because I want them to have credits…I’m just asking whether or not theywill count every class in my gpa…i have just been told that they don’t count so im confused now
what counts ? isn’t your gpa at 0.0 when you start community college ? :/</p>
<p>If you only took 4 classes at a 4 year university, you should still be able to get a high GPA at your cc. Just try to get As. I wouldn’t worry too much since a 3.5+ is still feasible even with a few bad grades.</p>
<p>It depends on the four year university and the courses. Rarely are all courses from a four year university transferable and it’s often the case that people transferring to the UC’s from four year schools end up enrolling with less than the total amount of units they had at their previous university because of discrepancies between course curriculums. </p>
<p>As mentioned before the UC’s will calculate your GPA from all UC transferable coursework at any and all previous institutions. Now determining what is UC transferable from a four university that isn’t in the UC system is the tricky part and there’s going to be uncertainty there until your decision letter arrives. </p>
<p>To answer your question about your GPA resetting, it does not. The UC’s calculate one transferable GPA from all institutions. For the purpose of your community college’s records, you’ll have a new GPA at that college that starts a 0.0 because you haven’t taken classes there. But for the purposes of UC admissions, they will include your cc transcript and your four year transcript and merge the grades from the two when you apply and then make their decision from the combination.</p>