<p>alright, i have a piano recital REALLLLLLLLLY soon, and i still haven't had time 2 look 4 a song because i've been studying like nuts 4 the january sat. can anyone reccomend a song? i'm gonna need the music sheet 4 it, so please let me know if u can email it 2 me or giv me the URL 4 the music sheet if it's online. i don't have enough time 2 practice something tooooo hard, and i prefer playing 2day's modern music (pop, hip hop, rock, punk.....u name it) though anything will do..thank you, thank you, and thank you so much for your help!!!!!!</p>
<p>the nintendo mario themesong, easy, catchy, and effective. always a hit</p>
<p>Coldplay? A friend of mine was asked to play Amsterdam (I think? might've been another) along with a band (sounds good on its own), he only had an afternoon to learn it, did fine.</p>
<p>do you know where i can find that music online?</p>
<p>does anyone know the song Moondance (by Van Morrison??)? do u know where i can find the music 4 it?</p>