<p>Hey.. do you all know any good titles to do for a Science project like a research what would be a GOOOOD title to impress a school i wonna go to. Not something too hard. I am a 10th grader applying to a math and science school, on the application it says we need a Project in math or science i wonna do one in science..
You guys have any idea on a good project title?</p>
<p>Well have you thought of a project to do first before giving a title for it?</p>
<p>no its gonna be a research paper so i need a topic first</p>
<p>oh so then its not a title, its a subject or topic. </p>
<p>ask for that instead, people are confused.</p>
<p>The effects of x on y</p>
<p>Fill in x and y.</p>
<p>lol mybad red06</p>
<p>The effects of midgets on the moon.</p>