<p>I know it's late already but please do you guys know of any cc that'd still accept my application for fall as an intl student(freshmen) ? Have google'd and all, I don't even know where to start and I don't want to waste time again. A list would be nice Thanks . :)</p>
<p>Are you talking about community colleges? I would think they all are still accepting applications for fall. </p>
<p>Yes, community colleges. I’m planning to go to one for a year then transfer to a univ. There’s a lot I don’t even know which to pick.</p>
<p>Pick one. Most are accepting applications. Where do you want to live? What can you afford in rent and living expenses? Rent is more expensive on the US coastlines, but food is generally cheaper, in comparison to many other places in the world.</p>
Financial aid for internationals is difficult enough to find as a freshman. It is nearly impossible to find for international transfer applicants. Merit scholarships are also largely reserved for freshmen. Bear that in mind before you take this route. </p>
<p>Yes, OP, this project seems kind of rushed, like you have to get out of the country right now.</p>
<p>Yes, depending on your situation, it may be more advisable to take a gap year and reapply next year as a freshman.</p>
<p>Jkeil911 $500-750 monthly I guess. Warblersrule I know right and this is d 2nd gap year already(graduated in '12), though I got accepted in point park univ for this fall was given $11k scholarship but still have to cover about $30k(which is quiet much to afford right now due to recent financial probs) I haven’t defer’d it yet and still don’t know what to do. Wanting to sch in US is not easy, I’m tired already sigh* </p>
<p>Going to a community college as an international student will require full CC fees and you cannot transfer out after one year. The universities require a series of coursework from transfer students. It usually takes a minimum of 2 years. As a transfer student to a university, you will not be admitted as a resident and will have to pay full fees at that university. There is no funding for transfer students, especially if you are international. The other university may be cheaper in the long run because you will get $11k per year. As a transfer, you won’t receive a penny.</p>
<p>You’re in a tough spot, OP. You would have to share an apt or house with a bunch of people you don’t know, probably, to get your rent and living expenses anywhere near 500-750/month. The school should probably be in a rural to small suburb, perhaps in the midwest or south of the US where rents tend to be lowest. I just don’t know much about these communities, having grown up in a large seaboard suburb and gone to school in big cities. I also understand there are ccs with room and board, but I don’t know these schools. Or perhaps what @aunt be a is saying is right about not going to a cc. You’ve your work cut out for you. </p>
<p>Ooh, I didn’t think about all this. Wow thanks @auntbae . I guess I’d have to work on affording a point park univ education. Thanks guys . BTW point park univ offers civil engr tech not civil engr(what I wanna do) I still have to transfer after a year or 2
. I really am in a tough spot</p>
<p>Aunt Bea is really familiar with Calif schools which have those rules. Other state generally do not require you to go to a CC for two years before transferring.</p>
<p>However, be aware that you wont get those scholarships as a transfer student.</p>
<p>Oh woow. What if my uncle(he’s a us citizen) sponsors me to get a permanent resident status I’d get to pay in-state rate yh if I’m transferring to a univ ? Since what we can afford is d in-state rate</p>
<p>I get what you guys are saying thanks a lot , I’d apply to a univ for the spring session with affordable rates instead of rushing to a cc now. thanks again</p>
<p>In-state rates depend upon each state’s residency requirements. California is very strict about residency. You cant just show up at your uncle’s house and say, “okay, I’m a resident now”. Doesn’t work that way in California. Most states look at the residence of the parents. You need to check the state requirements where your uncle is.</p>
<p>Loool I know right, he’s in texas tho and I’ve already reviewed the requirements. :)</p>
wont that take years? You wont have an expedited request that happens when you marry a citizen or some other circumstance. Wont you have to wait in line like others?</p>
<p>True!. I don’t know what to do, can’t take another gap year that would be 3yrs. I just want to get in somewhere :(( </p>
<p>You’re right, “engineering technology” is NOT the same as “engineering”! If your goal is to study engineering, you have two choices: attend a university that offers a bachelor’s degree in engineering, or attend a college where you can get a 4-year degree in physics (with heavy math) and get a Master’s in engineering. </p>
<p>You need to apply to schools where you get automatic scholarships for your stats. There’s a list at the top of the “financial aid” forum of this website. </p>
<p>What are your SAT/ACT scores? </p>
<p>In addition, check out HBCU’s. Howard has a very generous scholarship program but you need to apply very early (October) to have a shot since it’s “first served”.</p>
<p>Essentially, if you attend any college right now, you will have to pay full costs at whatever university your transfer to - you will not get any financial aid as an international transfer.</p>
<p>You can also attend one of the “cheap” universities, such as Chadron State, or University of Maine- … Island (I think)… Check out the thread “Universities that cost $25k or less” on the financial aid forum. Some of these universities still accept applications (essentially, all they want is your TOEFL score and proof of your ability to pay their low costs) but that ends between now and August 1st so HURRY!</p>