I am an international student applying to US colleges in a bit of a rush 
I didn’t realise there were only 6 dates available to take the SAT tests!
My plan is to apply this year (by the Nov Early Decision deadline) so I will not be able to take the October test (as it takes 4-6weeks for CB to send the results, right?)
what should I do?? should I ask the colleges if they accept SAT scores after their ED deadline?
I heard there is a rush service but saw on a post here that it is not advisable to use that service 
and how fast do they send the results with the rush service anyway?
please help!
thank you so so much
Check the web sites and send an E-Mail if it’s not clear what the last test date is the schools will accept. Rush service costs extra and only gains you 1 Day. Don’t bother.
thank you, I have already emailed all the colleges! Now i am trying to find out about what the “waitlist status” is as I have missed a deadline for a test registration 
@stardust4321 did you check the colleges’ websites first? If they do ED, they will very likely clearly indicate when they need test results by, or when the last testing date is.
yes I have checked, and only certain colleges have stated the last testing dates.
Every college I know of accepts the October test date, and many of them also accept the November one. Don’t use rush service, because electronic reports are actually received by the school more quickly than rushed reports (which are delivered by FedEx or something similar).