please help, thank you

<p>yea im late for applying to transfer i know but i wanna get ur opinions on an essay. im applying as a transfer to maryland from umbc the essay question is : An essay describing your academic experience and reasons for wishing to tranfer. what should i write about? i wanna be an economics teacher. i wrote on why i want to a teacher, its pretty much a story essay of me tutoring my sister and why i want to be a teacher. i thought if i include some stuff about my reasons to transfer to maryland on the end, my justification on why i want. unfortunatly, this covers half the story i also need to discuss my academic experience. what the heck is that academic experience ?? should i start babling about all the grades i went through? please help me guys, u guy are cool. what should i discuss, should i use the essay about me tutoring my sister as a mean to explain my reasons to teach? thank you i appreaciate your help</p>

<p>Academic experience should basically focus on what you did outside your classes..As in, any independent projects, research or workshop you attended....You might also include your tutoring experience and stuff but I dont think babling about all the grades you went thru would be useful....You should show that how you are an independent learner and try to maximize your limited opportunities...</p>

<p>i offered some advice in one of your earlier threads -- hope you got to see it!</p>