Please help to chance me... I'm nervous!

<p>Dear All,</p>

<p>I would really appreciate it if you could chance me. I'm quite nervous over the entire college application process. I hope this post is easy to read and if any of you need to be chanced, I'll happily return the favor!</p>

<p>Many thanks!</p>

<p>Schools Applied to: Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Cornell, Dartmouth, Pomona, Occidental.</p>


<li><p>SAT I: I didn’t take it</p></li>
<li><p>ACT: 31</p></li>
<li><p>SAT II: 790 Math IIC, 760 Physics, 730 Chemistry</p></li>
<li><p>Class Rank: 1/40</p></li>
<li><p>A-Level Scores: Chemistry- A, English Literature- A, Mathematics- A, Economics- A, General Paper- A</p></li>
<li><p>Senior Year Course Load: Most challenging in my school- 4 A Level courses in Chemistry, Mathematics, Economics and English Literature with one AS Level course in General Paper</p></li>
<li><p>Academic Awards: Valedictorian 2007 (School), Top Academic student 2007 (School), Top Student in A-Level Chemistry (Subject) 2007 (School), Top Student in AS-Levels 2006 (School), Top Student in English Language 2005 (School), Top Student in English Literature 2005 (School)</p></li>


<li><p>Extracurriculars: 1) Polo, 2) Drama, 3) Model United Nations, 4) Volunteering, 5) Prefects, 6) Soccer </p></li>
<li><p>Extracurricular Achievements: </p></li>
<li><p>Polo: Represent Singapore on international level. Have trained and played tournaments all over the world. Will play in World Cup standard tournaments in 2009. Was named U-21 Player of the Year 2008, Merdeka League Runner-up, Malaysia (2008), Hookah’s Polo Tournament Runner-up, Malaysia (2008), Member of the squad that won the silver medal at the Southeast Asian Games (2007), FIP Special Ambassador’s Cup Champion, Argentina (2006), Australian Winemakers Open Champion, Australia (2005)</p></li>
<li><p>Drama: From grade 8-12. President of the society from 2006-2007. Vice- President in 2005. Gold Medalist at the Singapore Youth Festival 2005. Have worked with local television corporations on sitcoms and was contracted a local theatre group from the age of 6 till 13. Received individual drama awards from 2003-2005 (Gold Awards)</p></li>
<li><p>Model United Nations: 11-12. Delegation head for several Model UN conferences locally.</p></li>
<li><p>Volunteering: See below</p></li>
<li><p>Soccer: Captained my house soccer team to back-to-back inter-house soccer championships.</p></li>
<li><p>Job/Work Experience: 1) Policeman. 2) Academic tutor for kids taking their IGCSE examinations. </p></li>
<li><p>Volunteer/Community service: Organized a winter volunteer program at a charity-based hospital in Pakistan for about 80 students. Culminated in a concert for the patients. Received national attention from the media. </p></li>
<li><p>Essays: About overcoming a massive obstacle en route to graduating out of the Police Academy as a full constable (humorous, light-hearted and with a picture of my squad attached).</p></li>
<li><p>Teacher Recommendation: Apparently excellent. From my mathematics and economics teachers.</p></li>
<li><p>Counselor Rec: Apparently the best she’s written.</p></li>
<li><p>Additional Rec: My drama coach who I’ve worked with for 6 years. It’s a great recommendation that describes my artistic ability and personal qualities.</p></li>


<li><p>Country (if international applicant): Singapore</p></li>
<li><p>School Type: Private, only sent one person to an Ivy in the school’s four year history.</p></li>
<li><p>Ethnicity: Indian-Singaporean (Asian)</p></li>
<li><p>Gender: Male</p></li>

<p>*Financial Aid: No</p>

<p>*Languages Spoken: English, Malay, Bahasa Indonesia, Hindi, Urdu</p>

<li>Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): Polo </li>

<p>NOTE: I’ll be submitting an Arts Supplement too. In Singapore we have to serve two years of compulsory military service and I’m into my second year as a Policeman!</p>

<p>wow u think u are quite likely in! really awesome achievements!</p>

<p>Do any U.S. schools have polo teams? If so, you should be looking at them.</p>

<p>Ha! This is great</p>

<p>Harvard- Most likely in
Stanford- In
Yale- Most likely in
Cornell- In unless applying for FA, but even then probably in
Pomona- IN

<p>if you are a real person, you sound remarkable!</p>

<p>Hey guys thanks very much for being the first to reply. Hunt- The schools that I’m applying to all have polo teams except for Pomona and Occidental. Harvard, Yale and Stanford’s polo is intercollegiate while Cornell has a varsity team (it’s the only school in the state where it is varsity). As for Pomona and Oxy, they are both in California and while they don’t have a polo program, it’ll be easy for me to train and get games at nearby clubs =) hey grantortue- thanks for posting your reply. From what I can infer, you attend Cornell? I was fortunate enough to visit in Spring 2007 and really enjoyed the time I spent on campus. Furthermore, the facilities (primarily the equestrian center) really compliment my interests!</p>

<p>Jums- I’m currently at SUNY Oswego. If you’re familiar with NY you’ve heard of Oswego,haha. Basically SUNY Siberia. Anyway, I was given a guaranteed transfer, so I just need to keep a 3.o and I will be at Cornell this coming fall! I was thrilled with my decision. More networking, more friends, experiencing fascinating winter weather, and saving a year on tuition. But I have to admit I cannot wait to be at Cornell.</p>

<p>Sorry, I’m not too familiar with New York City per se, but I do know Ithaca! Congratulations though! I think you’re going to have a fantastic time at Cornell. If I get admitted perhaps we might even be schoolmates lol. Do tell me how it goes =)</p>

<p>Anyone else, please do comment! Gracias!</p>

Cornell-Probably in
Dartmouth-Probably in

<p>Great resume! Your extracurriculars are awesome!</p>

<p>i really dont see why any off those colleges would reject you</p>

<p>looksreallt good =)
good luck!!!</p>

<p>you are fantastic. i’m sure you will get into most of those places!</p>

<p>… are you real?</p>

<p>You have awesome stats. You probably won’t get in everywhere, cuz a lot of those schools are crapshoots, but you’re definitely in at most. Good luck- thanks for chancing me, btw!</p>

<p>no worries sam71191. thanks for getting back to me :D</p>

<p>Nice stats, you are definitely going to get into nearly all/all of your colleges :)</p>

<p>very impressive sir. At the ivy level the admissions process is a toss-up. Your ACT’s are the only part of your resume that doesn’t seem up to standard but your EC’s are very impressive and you seem to know what you’re doing. Being valedictorian doesn’t hurt either. I dont know anything about Pomona or Occidental but I would say that you will probably get into 3 of your 5 ivies. good luck.</p>

<p>well i have to say, your story is very impressive. I know that all of those schools will be happy to have you, but again with the ivies, its always a gamble. Good luck i think they can all be matches, but it depends on which ones take the extra step to accept! (that rhymed!)<br>
THANKS FOR CHANCING ME BTW, Good luck again!</p>

<li>Asian (see below)</li>
<li>from Singapore (I read a NYTimes article about the extreme competitiveness in SK to get into good American Ivy league schools… I assume that Singapore is similar with limited spots and outstandingly abnormal applicants)</li>
<li>ACT scores (why didn’t you take the SATs btw? It seems like most of the schools you’re applying to generally get more SATs than ACTs)</li>
<li>Polo is only a varsity sport at Cornell, which means that at the other colleges the coaches probably do not get a say in admissions (or at least not as much as if it was a varsity sport. Not sure)</li>

<p>That aside, your chances are still excellent.</p>

<p>WOW!!! seriously though, very high chances, I’d say</p>

<p>Harvard: Most likely
Stanford: In, no question
Yale: Most likely
Dartmouth: In
Cornell: In
Pomana and Occidental: haha, so in</p>

<p>Oh yea and thanks for chancing me!! :)</p>