PLEASE help! UC chances?

<p>Hi guys. Please help me out with my approximate chances for UC Merced, Riverside, Santa Cruz, and Irvine (last one is a reach). Merced is my top choice right now before that’s the school I think I have the best chance of making it in to. I’ve been stressing out a lot lately because of my sophomore year grades, which I believe were so bad because I let family issues affect me, which is one of my biggest regrets. </p>

<p>I think my UC gpa is 3.73, with 8 bonus points for APs.</p>

<p>9th Grade:
Honors English B+/A-
Geometry A-/A-
Theatre Arts 1 A/A
Modern World History A/A
Spanish 2 A/A
Color Guard A/A</p>

<p>Summer School:
Bio B/B</p>

<p>10th Grade:
Honors English C+/B-
Alg2 B-/C
<em>Honors Chem</em> C+/C
Develop. of W. Civilization Honors B+ (sem.)
Art and Music A (sem.)
Spanish 3 A-/B+
Color Guard A/A</p>

<p>11th Grade
<em>AP English</em> B/A
Stats A/A
Physiology A/A-
<em>Honors US History</em> A/A
<em>AP Spanish</em> A/A-
Photography A-/A</p>

<p>*qualifies for ap/honors credit for UCs</p>

<p>Next Year’s Tentative Schedule, I expect mostly/all A’s,
AP English
AP Stats
AP Spanish Literature
AP Gov/Econ
Intermediate Dance</p>

<p>SAT: 2070 (Writing 750, Math 620, CR 700) first time w/o prep, plan to study retake and hopefully get at least 2100.
SAT Literature: 730 (91st percentile)
SAT Spanish: 690 (non native speaker, retaking next year and i expect at least 700, because i accidentally skipped the last 7 questions when i took this this year)</p>

<p>Income: $350,000+
Dad went to med school, Mom went to some grad school.
I’m a CA resident (born in LA).</p>

<p>The major I want to do is going to be something related to linguistics, foreign language, or ethnic/culture studies. I plan to apply for the peace corps after college, but no current plans for after that.
I attend a good high school in an LA suburb (API score about 900), I think in the top 2% or so in the nation. I also live in an affluent community, if that makes a difference. </p>

<p>Extracurriculars: I’m a volunteer at the LA Zoo (about 100 hours, expecting more), completed after interview and application process, had to pass a 12 week long class with a 90% average on tests. I was in color guard for 3 years (junior year I just didn’t take the class), I’ve done taekwondo for a while. Leo Club and French Club member. Overall, not much ):</p>

<p>I’ve also been in Calif. Scholarship Federation (CSF) since sophomore year (earliest time you can qualify), and I expect to be a gold seal graduate. </p>

<p>Please, any and all help/advice will be appreciated! Thanks a lot!</p>

<p>well you could tell in your personal statement about what led to your bad grades in your sophomore year… your grades in other years seem fine to me according to Irvine’s standards. Don’t give up on yourself!</p>

<p>thanks! uhh, the reason for the bad grades was because a lot of things happened in my family, like deaths, accidents, illnesses, bankruptcy, moving a lot, etc. The problem is that I don’t know how to explain it without sounding like I’m making excuses, because the truth is that I let it affect me, not that I overcame everything ):</p>

<p>You have lots to be proud of :slight_smile: You should definitely address your grades in your personal statement (or the additional comments section). If you want to avoid sounding like you’re making excuses, frame it more as an explanation and then follow it up with what you learned from the experience. </p>

<p>Questions to consider: Have you ever had to deal with something like this before? How did you bring your grades up? What did you learn about your study skills, stress management, and/or ability to reach out to others? How did this experience prepare you for what you might experience in college?</p>

<p>Bad stuff happens, and the adcom won’t penalize you for being human and struggling with your grades sophomore year. But it’s like an interview for a job when they ask what your greatest weakness is. Explain your shortcomings, and then follow it up with how you’re going to improve.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice! Do you think you could chance me on the UC’s? C:</p>

<p>Dude, you’re good! Pretty sure you’ll get into Merced and Santa Cruz. Irvine is kind of iffy, since seeing how this past year worked out. Good luck!</p>