Please help Undecided STEM (and Undecided about STEM) Girl’s college list

Yay, so glad to hear, thank you! :blush:

Love this ending to your search. We have WPI on my S23’s list, now it has become a must to go see it!


Sorry just saw your post. Thanks for your kind message! :slight_smile: My daughter is really happy at WPI and although we miss her being across the country, even my reluctant husband agrees it is the best place for her.

Hope you get a chance to visit, it’s what clinched it for my daughter. I know this is a stressful time for high school seniors and their parents, so good luck and lmk if you have any questions. I think if you DM me I will get an email as I otherwise might not be checking the site.


This is a great update! I was wondering about her when another strand had several of us posting about WPI. I hope her next quarter goes well.