PLEASE HELP! University of Washington vs UW- Madison

<p>Hey I am having trouble deciding between UDUB and UW- madison. I am out of state for both but money isn't an issue at all. I visited both campus; Udub semmed really nice and extremely clean. However, I am not a huge fan of the rain and i hear it rain a lot over there. UW- Madison seemed like the ideal college town to me and i really liked it as well. As for my major, i plan to study Biology and both schools are almost identical in the bio rankings. As for overall ranking Wisco usually is given the edge. I'm really having trouble deciding between the two.. please help! lol Maybe add in which one you would pick..</p>

<p>Madison has more of a college town feel where students all go to the restaurants and clubs adjacent to the campus. There few clubs near Udub due to old state law and students get absorbed into general city population more so you won’t meet as many other students going out around town. Madison also has more national student body–Udub mostly WA and west coast. I’d say the Wisconsin student body is tighter overall.</p>

<p>Here’s a link to a thread from a few months ago: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Overall both school are more or less comparable and I would say go by “fit” in this case based on your own personal visits.</p>

<p>Ditto- best fit for you. Do not worry about any rankings- both are comparable. Look once more at your reasons for choosing each school and decide.</p>

<p>Hey guys I just visited UW- Madison again and I fell in love! The campus feel is incomparable! I didn’t get the same feeling at Udub. The college town feel was just so amazing!</p>

<p>Yes, I live in Seattle now but went to UWis. Very comparable but very different too. The feel is the main difference.</p>