<p>Son is pouring over the UGA website and housing info. We live in VA and only know one person at UGA (and don't know him that well). Planning to submit housing this weekend, but which to choose?</p>
<p>He will probably apply to honors so if he gets in (reach), would they switch his housing? Where is honors housing? </p>
<p>Anyway, he is a social guy who loves sports (will probably play intramurals) and music, especially guitar. Thinking he will go a pre-med path, but may major in political science - so lots of science and social science classes. Loves good food. Wants a friendly, fun dorm where he can meet lots of people - wants it to be social - not the craziest, loudest dorm, but not quiet either so a balance between the two. Overall just looking for a well-rounded overall college experience with a chance to participate in lots of stuff from the academic to musical to sports to parties, etc.... </p>
<p>Thinking maybe Russell? Other person we know suggested that along with Mell and Morris... what about those? Others to consider? </p>
<p>Thanks for any direct input or advice as well as for any general info, feel, vibe about dorms in general to help others considering housing as well. :-)</p>
<p>If he can get into honors housing, I probably would do it. I hear it’s really quiet though, but the dorm is basically centrally located. All his science classes would be easy walking distance (the honors dorm is across the street (ish) from the science buildings). Social science classes are a little more north, but it’s a downhill walk to most of it (until you get to actual north campus). Myers is also across the street from Snelling, which is open 24/7 during the week, and I hear that’s a pretty busy place at night. Myers is also part of the dorms that surround the Myers quad, which is basically a huge front yard. I see a lot of people playing ultimate and stuff. </p>
<p>Russell is a sociable place since it’s an all-freshman dorm. Co-ed floors. Personally, I’d go with Creswell instead, since the rooms and set is basically the same, but it’s closer to the food (haha). Bolton is just downstairs from Creswell. I might be biased…I lived there and loved it. </p>
<p>My friend lived in Lipscomb, which i think is basically the same as Mell. It’s nice, but no elevator. Makes moving in/out difficult. </p>
<p>I haven’t heard anything about Morris. I think that’s the one on Lumpkin St., but I’m not sure. But if I’m thinking of the right one, that one is right across the street from the MLC (or SLC…whichever one you want to call it…the student learning center). It’s closer to north campus for his social science classes. </p>
<p>Reed is in the same community as Morris is, but Reed’s RIGHT next to the stadium, so it’ll be loud on some saturdays during the Fall. But Reed’s really nice inside, and is a good walking distance for both south campus (where his science classes will be) and north campus (where his social science classes will be). </p>
<p>My prefs would be 1) Myers 2) Reed 3) Creswell</p>
<p>I’ve heard Reed is quite luxurious; however, if your son enjoys playing sports, I’d recommend Myers because they have a nice field out in front of it. However, I have heard from many friends who reside in Myers that people mostly keep their doors locked, and that Myers is basically anti-social. I’d recommend Creswell; it’s been a great experience for me in Creswell! You can always walk to the Myers field, which my friends and I do almost daily, and it’s not that bad a walk… less than ten minutes for sure.</p>