Please help with Targets/Safeties for Game Development/CS

I’m not sure this has all you are looking for…but what about Champlain College in Vermont?


WPI could be an option.


My S23 is currently in the application process and has applied to CompSci programs mostly, but is specifically drawn to schools with game dev/game design focus or human application. He has applied to several on your list. I’m happy to share his journey, stats, acceptances/denials, etc once we are through this gauntlet. My advice at this point would be to make certain your financials are a match and to cast a wide net. Apply EA (applications due typically October15 - November 15th) to as many programs as you can, but with expectancy that 1/2 will give you a deferral either to protect yield or because of the shear number of applications these schools are receiving especially in CompSci. If you cannot afford to visit in person (as most of the top programs are spread out around the country) then start showing interest Spring of his junior year - zoom Q&A forums, virtual tours, meet the admissions reps if they come to your school or a college fair near.


Thank you! I will be following your posts to see how it all turns out. It would be amazing if you could also share your son’s impressions of any campus visits you did.

My son has been emailing schools with questions about the program and done some virtual tours. Thanks for the tip about college fairs and visiting admission reps. He is definitely planning to apply early action to all schools that offer it.

We are planning to visit Utah and Chapman in the Spring. At this point I actually think the only thing that puts NEU over Utah in his mind is his love for Boston. If he loves SLC and the school then there is no need to do ED for NEU. I will be so happy if his first choice is a school where he has a great chance of getting in.

Good Luck to your son and I look forward to following his journey.


I believe High Point has a Game Design major.

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It’s not on the east or the west coast, but DePaul seems like it could be a really good, and likely, option for your son.

These are some majors that seem aligned with your son’s interests:

And there’s a cognitive track within the neuroscience major, too:Neuroscience | DePaul University, Chicago

Trying to think of places that might work that are in the designated locations.

Quinnipiac (CT): It’s most relevant major is Game Design and Development, though it also has ABET-accredited programs in software engineering and computer science. The major in Behavioral Neuroscience may also be of interest.

Marist (NY): There is a major in Games and Emerging Media that is shared between the School of Computer Science and Mathematics and the School of Communication & the Arts. It sounds as though he would prefer the Technical Development & Programming track. The major also appears to require employment or at least lab practicum experience.

As a general matter of safety, one should not pick overly specialized majors. A degree should be in a general field – you can certainly take some (or many) specialized courses within it. But the final degree should have a general name. This gives you stability in some ways – gives you room to pivot from one field to the next. Hyper specialized (sounding) degrees are very brittle. Unsafe.


I added it to the list. Looks like it might check a few boxes. Thank you!


Thank you. Both look promising.

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Sound advice!

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My son applied to schools that either have a Game Development/Programming/Design major or a Computer Science major with a concentration in game design or schools that offer a game design minor. He’s been accepted so far to: Pitt, Penn State, WPI, GMU, and Drexel.


I’m a bit late here, but my D23 applied to Game Dev/CS with game track at many schools. We started with the Princeton Review list of best Game Design undergrad schools and went from there.

I know he doesn’t like Worcester, but both WPI and Clark have great games programs, so might be worth a second look.

You might want to try USC as a super high reach if he can put together a great portfolio for admissions.

University of Maryland has a cool games program. It’s called Immersive Media Design and he would want the Computing track. He must apply EA.

University of Pittsburg could be a safety for him if he applies early enough. They have a Game Design major in the School of Computing, but maybe he’d want to major in CS and then take some Game Design classes.

My daughter also LOVED Syracuse. They have a games concentration within CS.

FWIW, my daughter got into UMD CS direct and Northeastern EA, but she has 2 Bs that came during Covid online schooling in 10th grade and I am 90% sure that because of those she will not get into Cal Poly CS. She did apply, but it’s CRAZY competitive.


Thank you for the suggestions. I don’t think he looked at Syracuse too closely - so maybe that will be a good one to add since it checks a lot of his boxes.

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