Please help!

<p>I just found out something REALLY bad. There is a discrepancy between my name on the IELTS score report vs. the SAT score report and Common App account. This is because I didn't have a credit card to register for the SAT so I had to ask my teacher to do it for me, and after that I had to create the CA accordingly.</p>

<p>On the IELTS: (Last) Vu (First) Nguyen Thai Duong
On SAT and CA: (Last) Vu Nguyen (First) Thai Duong</p>

<p>I'm freaking out!! What should I do? Has anyone encountered the same problem? Can I ask the college to match these up???</p>

<p>Please, I really need your help</p>

<p>Sorry dont think this qualifies as really bad. </p>

<p>Call the school and explain it. As long as the scores end up in your application you are good.</p>

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