Please Help

Hi my name is Mo, and I’m a freshman at a competitive high school. I am having an issue and i felt like this thread could resolve it. To begin with, I attended a program at a different school for a semester. The program dealt with the health science field and took up one class period, and i got a B in that class . Adding onto this it was also my only regular class and if your experienced with GPA it dropped my GPA heavily. During the second semester I transferred to a new school which has a reputation of being the hardest high school in are region. You might think I’m over exaggerating my statement, but to my understanding a student has to obtain a 4.23 GPA to get into the top ten percent from last years freshman. Now here is my problem, due to me transferring out of the program half way through it they wont give me any kind of health credit. I wanted to ask the community if i don’t get any credit will this still affect my GPA because with the grade my GPA would be a 4.2 and without it i would gain .1points , and have a GPA of 4.3 which means i would be in the top ten percent. Please help me I’m so confused, and i really don’t want to go to my counselor because she really isn’t fond of me already.

Ask your guidance counselor to get 0.5 credit - you completed a semester of it and got a grade, right?