Please Help?

Berkley admissions are out. As we all know, they uc system is very competitive and sometimes the top students in high schools nationwide are also very competitive. A good friend of mine was admitted “S”. Today in class a mutal acquaintance “P” showed us an e-mail her friend “X” wrote to berkley admissions about “s”.

My friend, “s” is not well liked by many because apparently she’s very self centered (being rank 3 and all).

The e-mail described “S” tweets about their perception of uc Berkeley and how they believe most of their students are stuck up and are very liberal. “X” told them through e-mail she only did this because she respects the school and believes anyone who downgrades them should be reconsiderd in the admissions process.

I believe my friend knows the e-mail was sent now. Is there anything the uc campuses will do about it? Do you think what “X” did was right? I personally need some advice to handle this .Thank you.

It’s called “sour grapes”.

Do you actually think Berkeley has time for this kind of soap opera?

Berkeley practices holistic admissions which means they look over everything and get information from the school. That’s all they need.

Why are you personally involved? You’ll be out of this drama in June.

I was in class when “P” showed us the e-mail “x” sent, i then told a friend close to “s” who notified her. What’s funny is that both “s” and. “X” were admitted. I don’t understand why “X” had to go through all of this to possibly have her denied. I’m sure Berkeley won’t make a huge deal about it, like you mentioned “s” application was already evaluated and attracted the school.

This will reflect more poorly on X than it will in P. Something that I follow in my professional life is this : If someone gets something that you do not think they deserve, you just be quiet and do not say anything or write any letters. They have already been admitted to the school, won the race, won the grand prize, whatever situation you can think of ---- it has already been decided they won.

I can’t believe someone would actually think that writing a letter to Berkeley to criticize another student was acceptable behavior. We all have jealousies and insecurities but why did “X” feel it was necessary to try to hurt “S”? There must be a more deep rooted issue here. The world is filled with self-centered, egotistical people.

You are very true. X’s true colors were shown. I would never go through all of this to ruin someones future, it’s very sad. As I mentioned before “s” is rank 3 out of 500 in our high school. “x” is 6, there is probably some jealousy/competition. Many people in our school have said “x” is very egotistical and always makes people feel low when they don’t understand a subject. I personally have never spoken to “x” but all these stories are convincing me x is not a very nice person. However, I have no right to judge x if I don’t know them personally.