Please Help??

<p>I have a 3.2 GPA. Although I don't know if this matters but I go to The Dalton School. Does coming from a New York private school hurt my chances? I got a 2.78 Freshman year and I have gotten better and better each year.</p>

<p>I got a 30 on the ACT. I took 1 SAT II (Chemistry) and got a 710. I plan on taking Math 2C I expect something like a 750 on that.</p>

<p>I have a good amount of ECs: I worked at a local synagogue, tutored kids in Harlem, worked at a non-profit thrift shop for aids research, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney's office, School Newspaper (Staff Writer), Editor in Chief of Tiger Wire (Sports Magazine), Varsity Football and Varsity Lacrosse.</p>

<p>My colleges are:
Wash U
Washington and Lee
Wake Forest
Claremont McKenna
Boston College

<p>What are the top 3 schools that I have the best shot at getting in ED?</p>

<p>Any response would be helpful.</p>

<p>What is your GPA without your freshman year grades? What were your circumstances coming into Dalton?</p>

<p>If you were coming from a less intense public school you may be able to make a case that your freshman year was a period of adjustment to a more rigorous academic environment. </p>

<p>I think Syracuse and Skidmore are less competitive than the other colleges on your list. I'm not certain but I think Washington and Lee and Wake Forest might also be a little easier than the others. Claremont Mckenna prioritizes leadership, ECs, test scores and rigor of the high school classes you took over GPA or class rank. With really stellar essays and a plausible explanation of your freshman year grades there is a chance you could write your way in to CMC.</p>

<p>You need to explain your freshman year grades. I know some colleges don't count them as seriously as the rest of your HS career and a rising trend is good.</p>

<p>Syracuse is probably your safest bet based on my limited experience as the Mom of a recent college applicant and friend of many more prep school kids applying to college in recent years.</p>

<p>Adding the State Flagship University (would this be one of the SUNYs?) would probably be a good idea. Next year is supposed to be a peak year in terms college competitiveness and in recent years a lot of kids at my daughter's old prep school were disappointed in their acceptances. We are talking about a school with one of the highest numbers of Intel winners in the country. They all got in somewhere pretty good, but it was tough for some of them.</p>

<p>One thing I can say based on my daughter's experience is that you need to really work hard on your essays and make sure you don't slack on the essays for your safety schools. It's been said on this site many, many times-build your list from the bottom up and make sure you LOVE your safety schools.</p>