!!!!Please Help!!!

<p>Hey, sorry for the title just needed your attention. Can you please tell me my chances? I know how ridiculous the EA process is getting. Basically I'm your average "qualified" white boy from NYC. I go to a top school, and our EA admisions rate for Yale is 60%. I'm on the debate team, the track team, mutiple clubs, etc. My only special thing is Chinese-- I have a 4.0 in that class and have gone to China twice. All of my school's classes are AP level, or higher. My grades are alright, but I'm somewhat of a lazy bum sometimes. I don't work as hard as I should be right now. Let's say I get a 3.86 average at the end of this year (the kids who usually get in have 3.9s etc). My aunt and uncle went to Yale, my Chinese teacher who will write a recommendation did, and my grandfather is head fundraiser at one of the colleges. The thing is, I know that other kids are more qualified. I'm good, but I don't think as good as them. Do you think my "connections" (I don't even know if they count) will help me at all at getting in?</p>

<p>In a word, yes. I can’t say you will get in, but you have as good or better a chance as the rest of us. Good luck. :D</p>

<p>What’s your intended major? If it’s something like english or poly sci not really sure chinese would help you unless its just a really big passions… or you spun it off as a increasing global focus on china or something along those lines.</p>

<p>I think you have a decent chance like everyone else. Although you don’t have legacy… you might have staff connection. (Can’t remember the wording on the Yale questions about connections). If you mentioned your connections… sure it could help. I don’t think those alone are enough to get you in though.</p>

<p>I (just like most people here) are not really qualified to give you a perfect answer. The best we can do is give opinions. We can’t read the minds of the admissions committee :(</p>

<p>Bottom line: You’re a good candidate. What’s your SAT like? Do you have any leadership positions like student government president? Founder of such and such club?</p>

<p>Almost forgot… whatever you do this isn’t the image you want to create ;P</p>

<p>“Basically I’m your average “qualified” white boy”</p>

<p>A much better euphemism… which get’s you in… is “extremely well rounded”. Heh</p>

<p>im guessing you attend collegiate? my friend there went on a school china trip. you have a good shot and the 3.86 isn’t that bad. your connections will most likely help, otherwise yale wouldn’t put a ‘relatives’ section in their supplement.</p>