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<p>Hey i was wondering if anyone could grade and give me tips on my essay. The prompt was should originality always be more highly praised than conformity</p>

<p>Conformity is a necessary part of life. It takes conformity to use others brilliant ideas and reproduce them to further help mankind. However originality should always be more praised than conformity because it takes originality to make new ideas and conceptions that benefit mankind.</p>

<p>Henry Ford is one of the most brilliant enterpuers of the twentieth century. His orginal ideas brought him tons of wealth but also benfitted mankind.His was the first to use interchangeable car parts to mass manafacutre cars. His orginal idea led to a cheaper to make car. This cheaper car allowed most of America to own a car greatly improving the quality of life. It was through Henry Fords originality that he was able to create a new idea that benfitted mankind. If Henry Ford Howeverr conformed to previous car manfactures and made non-interchangable parts the standard of living would not have improved for many Americans. It was Henry Fords orginallity that earned him the praise previous car manfactures didn’t have. </p>

<p>Richard Feyman is another individual who due to his orginal idea’s was able to benfit mankind. Richard Feyman discovered a way to use electrons to magnify images and thus was able to create the first electron magnifier. It was this telescope that led to a walth of new biological information because now scientist were able to truly obsever the nature of cells. Richard Feymans orginal idea has led to innovations in medical treatment allowing many Humans to live longer and healthier lives. Because Richard Feryman didn’t just conform to using the poor quality magnifiers of his era he was able to create an innovation that helped lives and earned his praised.</p>

<p>Conformity is in no ways bad, it takes conformity to take advantage of great ideas. However conformity does not nearly have the potential to benfit mankind like organility does and as such originality deserves to be more highly praised than conformity</p>
