Please need some opinions/help/facts!!

<p>This may seem like a easy question or even a dumb one but I have have conflicting opinions--here is the question:</p>

<p>I am going to start a Masters in Liberal Studies in the fall (I already have a few credits of Masters work done from part time non degree study this semester)--My BA is in General Studies--I have decided that AFTER I finish my MLS I want to go to get my PHD in Philosophy---now here is the question( s). The MLS degree only requires 30 credit hours-ten classes- 3 credits each--the way its set up I would need to take 33 credits to get into the PHD program I want to go to at a different school--The question is do most Masters programs allow you to take more credits than what is required for their degree????--Obviously a under grad degree does- I ended up with 129 when I only needed 120---What the situation is that I need to have 18 credits of Philosophy when the MLS degree is designed for only 12-15 in one area......any help info-experience here would be greatly appreciated!!</p>