Am really tired of CR; i had solved about 40 - 60 test, tried to understand each mistake, and practiced a lot. However, am stuck to the 680 - 720 range. I " must " get about 4 wrong each test in the passage-based questions. I really started to lose any hope of getting 780 - 800 in Jan’s exam. Although i’ve really tried as much as I can.
I would appreciate any advice in this hopeless, helpless case.
Bump. Please.
My advice is for you to hang in there and keep trying. You never know until test day.
First of all congrats on completing 40-60 tests, that’s a feat in itself. With less then a week left, I suggest don’t do anymore tests and go over the 40-60 tests and make sort of a list of all questions missed and why it was missed (if time permits). With that many tests under your belt, I take you are no longer missing any vocab questions and its the passages q’ only? The main thing you will need now is a calm head and not feeling pressured and frustrated. Keep an eyes on tricky maths questions also, the curve can be unforgiving.
@Daminus I appreciate it, thanks
I am practicing the old, real ones again, and I revise each mistake as much as I can. As u said, for the vocab, I miss none or one by maximum, God to be thanked. The problem is with the passage with questions whose answers have possibly 2 same choices, with a very subtly subtle difference. Am tired of the passages; I understand my previous mistakes but still can’t get all the questions right. -_-
Oh and thanks for ur adivce
About Math, my score is pretty good, God to be praised, so I don’t care about it this trial that much.