Please rate my chances for Ivies

<p>Chances at:
Harvard (EA)

<p>I am a white male from rural Upstate New York, and I live in a small town of approximately 1,200 people. My school is K-12 and I had about 30 students in my graduating class. Few students attend 4 year colleges and nobody has ever applied to any Ivy League institution from my school</p>

<p>GPA: 98.5
SAT 1: 1490
Rank: 1 out of 30
SAT II: all are between 650 and 710
Although we offer no AP classes I have had the opportunity to accumulate over 37 credits at the local community college. </p>

Boy Scouts of America (Eagle Scout)<br>
Class of 2005 President<br>
Latin Class<br>
Senior Soloist
Europe Trip Participant
Student Council
Church Activities<br>
National Honor Society
Model United Nations
Spanish Club
Spanish National Honor Society
Big Brothers/ Big Sisters
Library Club
Whiz Quiz
Peer Tutoring
Ski Club
Character Education Council
Forensics/ Speech Team
I additionally work 40 hours a week in the summer
I had received quite a few academic awards and honors.
My 2 essays are good and my recs are very personal.
I already had an interview at Harvard, it went pretty well in my opinion.
I am scheduled from my alumni interview soon.
Additionally, I am sending a piano recording as a supplement to my application.
Thanks for all your help.</p>

<p>HYP- reach
Columbia- match/reach
NYU- match
BC- safer match</p>

<p>from what i've heard colleges like to see committment in a few activities rather than a huge list like you maybe you could just emphasize a few of those</p>

<p>although my list is fairly committment in my EC's mainly is in music (piano) and speech and debate. I hold many positions and honors in the other activities (sports and various clubs), but I mainly do these for fun and variety.</p>

<p>anybody...any comments</p>

<p>If those are the only schools you are applying to you need more "slightly better reaches" and especially matches. HYP are a big maybe, columbia a little better, and then a huge drop to NYU/ BC where you are in for sure. Apply to one or more of Penn, Brown, Dartmouth as other "slightly better reaches." As matches, Northwestern, Emory, and WUSTL. </p>

<p>Six is too few schools to apply to with this list.</p>

<p>I concur with the EC's, but you probably know which ones to put to look good. Although you are from a small town, which may not have as many bright kids as you (no offense to your peers), even though you may stand out, it might hurt you that you are white, and not a URM, with those scores, that's just how it is, especially for HYP. The CC classes look good as well, but I'm not really sure, I don't think you will get HYP, but I am only a student, not an admissions person. You will most likely do well no matter where you go. I hope you get into H,Y, or P, that would be a great accomplishment, something I know I wouldn't be able to do. Good luck.</p>

<p>I also forgot to add Middlebury and St. Lawrence to the list
Any other comments?</p>

<p>Here's my 2 cents about your chances at:</p>

Harvard (EA)...Good
BC...Very Good
St. Lawrence...Excellent</p>

<p>Again, it is just my humble opinion. Hope this helps.</p>

<p>for each activity I did not list leadership or other recognitions for the sake of time</p>

<p>NYU is a match. HYP and Columbia are all big reaches. BC, St Lawerance are matches. Middlebury is a slight reach.
However, the laundry list of clubs is very very bad. Dont put all those on your apps. Pick out the few clubs were you have won the most awards, have participated in the most years, and are an officer.</p>

<p>I agree that you should apply to schools just below the ivies for your best shot. WashU, top LACs?</p>

<p>going to such a small school allows you to participate in EVERYTHING...I made that very clear in my essay about growing up in a small town and attending a small school. Additionally, I made sure I highlighted my activities on the common app and then attached a second resume explaining my leadership and recognitions in the other activities and clubs</p>

<p>I of my essays was about my passion for piano</p>

<p>blaineko probably just wants more posts. But I thought admissions officers do take into consideration the people that come from "the country".</p>

<p>Maybe rural Mississippi or South Dakota. You live in NY! Theses factors weigh in in a small way. Take your best shot but have a good backup.</p>

<p>any thoughts about Columbia?</p>




<p>Wow, where to start. </p>

<p>(1) I get my info from many places (admissions offices, magazines, alumni, relatives and friends that have and do attend Ivies and Top LACs).</p>

<p>(2) My stats are similar 1490 (one sitting) and 1520 (highest combined), between 750-780 SAT II scores in 5-6 subject tests, weighted gpa 3.99/4.0 (only AP classes are weighted), rank 3/401, some local, district, state, and national awards,very good to excellent recs.</p>

<p>(3) I am NOT applying to Harvard, Princeton, Yale, or Columbia this time around. I did, when I was a high school senior, got accepted to Yale & Columbia, though negged at UPenn, and waitlisted at Carleton. Other acceptances the first time around included: Johns Hopkins, UChicago, Pomona, and others. This time around my applications include: Amherst, Swat, Williams, Bowdoin, Middlebury, Haverford, Colgate, and the like.</p>

<p>(4) I don't need to raise my posting numbers.</p>

<p>(5) Look at the middle-50%ile at the schools. And, compare with your own. Your chances at Harvard (EA) is slightly better than RDing at the other Ivies.</p>

<p>(6) Middlebury a good chance, and NYU a reach? That is not supported by The Common Data Set for NYU or Middlebury. Traditionally, Middlebury is the harder to get into. Boston College and NYU are very similar stats wise. How can BC be a good chance, while NYU is not. Remember that rural applicants are often favored over city applicants, especially coming from under represented high schools. Likewise, I still listed NYU as Good rather than Very Good (like BC) because there are so many New York applicants to NYU.</p>

<p>Seems to me that my information, and opinion is just as valid as yours. I've even given you my reasons for the chances post. Rather than attack me because you disagree with me, show me your proof, that is, your source material for making your assertion and personal attack.</p>

<p>PS--And, since you are making glib assumptions, here's one for you: sounds like maybe you did not like what I said, because perhaps you would benefit from discouraging people from applying to colleges that might be on your radar.</p>

<p> was my post an error...where are your facts? Your sources?</p>


<p>Let me know where you end-up and we'll compare notes. :)</p>


<h2>Now, I'm beginning to see from a different post you started about your chances, why you might have taken offense. Did you not like my assessment of your chances at Harvard, per chance? Or, was that a false thank you?</h2>


<p>I want to know what my chances are for being accepted at Duke, Harvard and Rice. These are my stats:</p>

<p>SAT I V:710 SAT I M: 710, SAT II Writing: 710, SAT II Math 2C: 720</p>

<p>Rank: 2 of 692; GPA: 3.9808</p>

<p>Senior Classes:AP Physics, AP Eco, AP English IV, AP Spanish IV, AP Art History</p>

<p>Awards:National Merit Commended, Commended Performance on all state exams, National Ventures Scholar, Who's Who and National Honor Roll (are these scams?)</p>

<p>Leadership: President of Computer Club, Treasurer of Future Business Leaders
Also various memberships in other clubs.</p>

About 60 hrs as a volunteer for YMCA and about 240 for my church</p>

<p>I'm worried about my standardized test scores, awards and lack of leadership. Do I still have a chance?</p>

<p>I'm also an African-American male and my dad (who immigrated from Nigeria) makes less than 30,000.</p>

<h2>Any reply is appreciated.</h2>


<p>Your chances at Duke and Rice are good, while at Harvard you have an okay chance.</p>

<p>I would not mention Who's Who on you application. NHS is okay. Make sure that your essays and recommendations are excellent. Keep your chin up and focus.</p>

<h2>Good luck, hope this helps.</h2>

<p>Seems like you have a game of your own that you are playing. Wow. Amazing. Why not knock out people who have better stats than you, so you can decrease the competition, while trying to appear ultruistic. What a scam. Maybe you'll get it, but I hope fate gives you your reward.</p>


<p>hey i have no idea if i have the slightest chance to get into any good schools... i really wanna go to columbia but i have sort of bad extracurriculars.... i was wondering about my chances, if anyone could help me out...</p>

<p>my SAT is 1520, 780 math 740 verbal.... then SAT II's are pretty crappy... well math is.... IC = 650.. [it was the morning after homecoming!] bio=730 writing=800.... i have good teacher rec's... i go to a small school so we don't have many options for clubs and stuff... i'm VP of NHS... i play soccer and tennis [varsity if that matters]... i helped start two organizations, a sort of spirit group that goes to all the different games and cheers our sports teams and a... basically a zine for controversial issues.... umm i volunteer at the humane society and my church nursery a lot... go to workcamps during the summer... participated in the model UN... and i have researched a particular topic a lot and really want to keep doing it.... </p>

<p>i'm applying to columbia, duke, jhu, wash u [st louis], etc... do i have a chance?</p>