Please rate my chances ? :)?

<p>I'm applying to UWM for fall-2012. Im applying an international undergrad. here's a brief summary go my profile:
SAT math-680 CR-640 Writing-600
Unweighted GPA 74%
Cocuriculars- head of the school editorial board for 3 years, member of the writers club,
quiz club, eco club, social initiate club, play the keyboard, head of the debating club, national debater, member of the school football team, state tennis player
did an internship at a bank for a month
did various projects in school, earned a scholar blazer and tie.
Ive got pretty awesome Recommnedations from teachers too.</p>

<p>My only concern is the academic part. will the rest of my profile get me through? Im really serious about UWM. please help me out !</p>

<p>If your GPA is 74/100 your chances are nil.</p>

<p>really ? None at all ? Im very nervous :/</p>

<p>btw- UWM means UW- Milwaukee. You mean just UW. You need to convert your unweighted gpa to a 4.0 = A scale. Below a 3.5 is low for UW.</p>

<p>A different grading system is followed In my country. I’m pretty sure UW is aware of it. </p>

<p>We have the average % system. A 75% means that I have an average of 75 out of 100 per subject.
I hope that makes it clearer.</p>


<p>It is difficult for most on CC to evaluate your chances. Your test scores are “in range” but your coursework performance is difficult to translate. In the U.S. the expectation is (roughly) that a good student would get 90+% in most of their classes. I am aware that this is not true in some other countries where 80+% could mean outstanding and 75% might very well be a strong performance. I hope you get an evaluator who will understand your transcript. Good luck.</p>