Please read my essay

<p>Wow, three years? Where'd you move here from? Haha, maybe you can help me with my Chinese!</p>

<p>I meant post in a new thread. No one's going to come to "Please read my essay" to give you recommandations on which colleges you should go to or have a chance at. :)</p>

<p>I came from Malaysia. I was in a very diverse international school. Hereare all of the places I have stayed in....</p>

<p>Los Angeles....forever? :P
Malaysia 4 years
China 1 year
Hawaii 2 years
China 7 years</p>

<p>Dude, in your attempt to make your essay seem extravagent and articulate by using these complicated sentences and metaphors, the essay becomes totally ambiguous. You obviously have strong vocabulary but I wouldn't use these SAT words jsut for the sake of it. </p>

<p>Anyhow, the essay is ok but it doesn't AMAZE as it should to make up for the 2.8 GPA.</p>

<p>I don't think my essay is ambiguous because i used those words but due to the reason that I have nothing better to say. I am using those words to decorate an empty essay :(</p>

<p>You obviously have strong vocabulary but I wouldn't use these SAT words jsut for the sake of it.</p>

<p>Hmm, most of the time, I write like how Sympathy wrote his essay, so I didn't find it pretentious in that he used "SAT words [just] for the sake of it". But I guess I would agree in that the adcoms probably aren't looking for a conglomerate of SAT words--they probably think you're trying too hard to impress them.</p>

<p>It really depends on what kind of writing you're exposed to and whether you like reading a certain style of writing.</p>

<p>Sympathy: How come you didn't just write about your travel/moving experiences--usually something most people would write about whether negative or positive (things like adapating to new environments and what have you).</p>

<p>You are definatey my english teacher in disguise sarcasmgirl! I showed that to her yesterday and she told me I should have written about my travel exp as my first essay. But the thing is i thought the deadline was around Dec so that I didn't even start my essay until the last two days. I had to write everything in such a rush that i didn't stop to think everything over. Perhaps thats why it sounded so honest yet so depressing. I was writing what came up to my mind first - my slacking off. I did mention about my travel and stuff on to open ended essay but ya, I feel I should prob have focused more on it. I had to turn it in yesterday so its pretty unrealistic to change it at the last minute.</p>

<p>You are definatey my english teacher in disguise sarcasmgirl!</p>

<p>Gah, I would hate being an English teacher. Kids are awful. High school kids are even worse.</p>

<p>(Now you're going to say that that's what your English teacher secretly feels, aren't you?)</p>

<p>I didn't even start my essay until the last two days.</p>

<p>I think I started mine 24th and was finished editing it on the 26th. Not bad, considering I was worried I'd wait until the 30th. :) Honestly though, improve your habits by community college or you'll get screwed over like me (Well, nothing bad has happened to me yet, but you never know).</p>

<p>I have very little faith in myself though! I am afraid if I go to a CC I will never be able to transfer out with a 2.0 GPA. I know I won't slack off like that anymore but you never know...</p>

<p>And yes, my english teachers hates each and everyone of us!</p>

<p>The only time I got grades that weren't... decent (to my standards) was in 11th grade, which resulted in a 1.9 GPA. I think I graduated with a cumulative of 3.3 or something like that.</p>

<p>In community college, I'll be transferring with a 3.8 (as of fall 2005). The only reason this is the case is because of the lack of busy work here. Trust me, it's exactly like high school: the difficulty is pretty much the same with less work and tests counts for more. Oh wait, no hand-holding from the teachers though. Actually, a lot of the instructors I've had still give extra credit--makes me kind of sad, but I think it's because they like having a normal Bell curve of grades. (shrug)</p>

<p>Sympathy, did you get someone to proof read these essays before submitting them or were they turned in as they appear here? There are a few grammatical errors, particularly in the first one.</p>

<p>I sort of rushed it because i wasn't really aware the deadline was on nov 31st....are they really obvious mistakes?</p>

<p>thank you</p>