Please Read: What do you think?

<p>Good afternoon everybody,
I'm currently a senior, and my top and only university choice is Texas A&M. I want to know your opinions on the possible admission decision based on my academic profile.
I don't rank in the top quarter of my class :/
Here are my stats.</p>

<p>-Rank: 169/626
-GPA: 3.44
-ACT: 34
-I've been taking advanced placement and honors courses since my sophomore year, and taken numerous college classes at my community college.
-I've taken: AP/DE English III, AP US History, AP Spanish 4. Currently taking: AP/DE English IV, AP Calculus, AP Physics, AP Spanish 7
-At community college: Government I, Government II, Precalculus, College Algebra.
*Community Folk Dancing Group for 2 Years
*SkillsUSA (2009-Present)
*Animation Club Vice-President
*Leo/Lions Club Vice-President
*Spanish Honor Society
*Debate Team Captain
*U.I.L. Spelling, math, science, debate, writing, informative speaking.
*Over 100 Hours of Community Service
*Won Second place at SkillsUSA Advertising Design Contest and on Parliamentary Procedure Contest
*Ran the School District's Television station for 3 years.</p>


<p>I plan to major in Aerospace Engineering. I love math. I also want to join the Air Force, so the Corps of Cadets is right for me...
I have visited the campus twice, and I think it's great. Do you think I will get accepted?
I know my post is extremely long, but I really need your opinions, preferably someone at A&M, or that knows somebody in a similar situation as mine.
Thank You!</p>

<p>I think being in top 25% and a great act score will get you admitted. Only question is GPA and not sure how competitive aerospace engineering is? anyone else know?</p>

<p>no telling - your class rank could hurt you</p>

Being ranked 169/626 puts me at the top 27% :confused: I also heard that the Engineering school is the most competitive. I have a bad feeling about this…</p>

Yes, it probably will. I really want to get into the school. At this point I don’t really care if I end up on the Blinn Team or on the summer Gateway program</p>

<p>oh crud - i think my eyes made a mistake. your rank isn’t that bad.</p>

<p>would you go to blinn if you don’t get in?</p>

<p>What are your AP scores?</p>

<p>you are right! My eyes deceived me! Top 27% could be a problem. The one thing in your favor is your act score. I really don’t see you doing any worse than blinn team with that act score and may even be admitted to TAMU. You are just outside of 25%.</p>

If I get a flat no from A&M, I’ll go to UTSA (I already got accepted) and transfer after one year. </p>

I’ve gotten 5s on all of them except US History… I got a 4.</p>

Yeah… it’s not cool. I would be satisfied with Blinn Team.</p>

<p>Also, by the end of my senior year, I will have 36 college credit hours.
If I end up getting rejected, can I go to UTSA and transfer after one semester?</p>

<p>chouter, You said, you have taken AP/DE English III, AP US History, AP Spanish 4.</p>

<p>So does this mean you have a 5 in AP Spanish and 4 in AP US History? Or have you taken some other AP courses too in which you have a 5?</p>

<p>You are, btw nearly in the same situation as my son, except he wants EE. in my son’s case, he has:</p>

<p>Class rank 25.7% </p>

<p>He is a National Merit Semifinalist with a 219 on the PSAT. </p>

<p>He has a 750 in Math II SAT Subject Test II. </p>

<p>His junior year performance:</p>

<p>A in AP Comp Sci II 1st semester
A in AP Comp Sci II 2nd semester (No test was offered for AP CS II)
5 AP Biology
5 AP US History
5 AP English Language
4 AP Chemistry</p>

<p>B 87% in Pre AP Pre Calculus (750 in Math II SAT Subject Test)
A in Honors Physics. (Taking SAT Subject Test in Dec)</p>

<p>In senior year he is taking 5 more AP courses including AP Physics, AP Calc BC and AP Lit</p>

<p>He will take the SAT in Nov and SAT Physics II in Dec.</p>

<p>In any case, I spoke to Admissions and they told me that since has high standardized test scores, good AP scores and a ranking close to 25 percentile his chances of being accepted are pretty good. So, my guess is, yours are pretty good.</p>

<p>Here are my scores:
AP Spanish 4: 5
AP English Language: 5
AP US History:4
My school doesn’t offer too many AP courses :confused: They tend to focus more on Dual Enrollment programs and such. But as I said, I’m taking 4 AP Courses this year which hopefully I’ll do well on.
Thanks for your response. I wish the best for your son. I hope we can get full admission to the best university in Texas. :D</p>

<p>Unfortunately it seems like A&M like most universities in TX, place a lot of emphasis on class rank. From your stats it looks like you are just barely outside the top quarter and you have an excellent ACT score. You are very well into the 75 percentile for ACT score so I think that will do a lot for you. My son is trying to get in and has taken the SAT one time with a very horrible score, after taking it with no preperation. He’s is now taking SAT and ACT prep courses, takes the ACT tomorrow and the SAT again on Nov 3. He is in the second quarter as well so he needs to do very well on his tests, which it sounds like you did.</p>

Yes. It seems like that’s all they care about. I don’t think the Top Ten Percent law is fair. What bothers me is the way people cheat their way into the top ten percent, leaving many well-rounded, genuinely intelligent students, with little to no chance. I’m also retaking the ACT tomorrow; I’m going for the 36. I wish the very best to your son and hope he does great.</p>

<p>My D was just outside 10% and I agree that some make it in by cheating. I saw it at my daughters school. Small school, kids were allowed to grade their own papers and write
the grade in grade book. Schools place high value on athletes and my daughter was neither in athletics or a cheerleader. She told me kids were cheating but so proud that she didn’t do it. She went from 4th place to 10th place after that year. The cream always rises to the top eventually and I think that will be the case for you. You seem very smart and I have no doubt things will work out.</p>

<p>at my son’s school, class rank can also suffer if kids take upper level 8th grade courses that are considered the equivalent of academic level high school courses.</p>

<p>It is best not to get hung up about things like this.</p>

Yeah, this little top ten percent law is ridiculous to some level. I know a lot of people that enter U.T. or A&M without goals. They go in just because they were in the top ten percent. A lot of them have no community service background or passion to make a difference in the world. I don’t care how cheesy that sounds, but it’s something I take very serious. Being in the top ten percent just means you were in the top ten percent; simple.
Now, I’m not saying that all top 10% people aren’t great, because a lot of them are. I’m just saying that this law lowers the chances of other bright students from being successful.</p>

<p>I think your stats look pretty good for a review admit… Mostly it will depend on what the others in the same boat as you bring to the table so to speak. </p>

<p>I hope that you get great news from A&M, you could be in for a long wait but be patient!</p>