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<p>I cut out the school name for privacy reasons (a little silly I know). There is no word limit. I did go off topic but I really wanted to show how important this is to me. I really need my essay to stand out because I had two suspensions in high school (hitting a kid and drinking) so I want to make up for that. I am in comunity college so I am a transfer student.
Let me know If I should just start over.</p>

<p>The question is "Please tell us about your career plans and how your intended major at ________ will help you achieve them."</p>

<pre><code> I have always loved animals. Sadly, I was never able to join clubs because of my mother's schedule and our location. Then a few years ago my whole life changed when I went to work at a farm. That is when I knew that I wanted to be a large animal veterinarian.
Then I hit a road block when I got pregnant at 17 and became a single mother. That is when I decided to become a nurse. As time went on and I was closer to going to college, I felt very ill. I knew this was not what I wanted to do. After I spoke to my mother, we had decided to revisit my dream and find out what can I do with livestock that will allow me to support my son.
Hope ignited in my heart when I found out that there was a school called __. I quickly emailed the farmer I had worked for. She replied back saying that she had many professors who graduated from _____ and that it was a great school. At this point I knew that this school was perfect for me. The only problem was that my son was still young and nursing so I decided to start out at a community college taking online courses.
Now I am to a point where it is time to apply and take one step closer to my dream. There are only a few schools in _______ that offer a degree in Livestock Science and Management. _______ is the closest school to me and my family that offers the degree. To top it off, this school provides me with a chance to work on a farm with livestock. This will prepare me and give me the experience needed to get accepted into the University of __. There is even a program called Three plus One, at this college, that allows me to finish my bachelor's degree one year sooner. ___ will give me the tools needed to succeed in vet school and I can become a large animal veterinarian. I can actually be a mother and become a veterinarian and contribute to the fight against the shortage of large animal veterinarians.