<p>Please read, revise, and review</p>
<p>Prompt 1: Describe the world you come from — for example, your family, community or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations</p>
<p>Screaming, yelling, and arguing are the pictures that come to mind whenever I think back to my childhood. I was only four when my parents filed for divorce and at age eleven, my family was forced to move to a smaller home due to the economic downturn in 2009. This is when I saw how money ruined lives.</p>
<p>We were not always poor. I remember when we used to live in a fairly rich town called Eastlake. My parents had their own company called AceFa Systems in Mexico. However, as my parents’ love slowly grew off of them, my mom had quit and the company was solely run by my dad. My mom had no job and constantly relied on credit cards as money. As her debt increased, my father had to help her pay some of it off. Having one parent working at the time, we weren’t able to generate enough money to live in Eastlake. My mom then resorted to gambling, which she then became addicted to. Gambling with my dad’s hard earned cash damaged our income exponentially which eventually resulted us in moving out of Eastlake to a more smaller, affordable home in 2009. </p>
<p>We eventually resulted in having to control my mother’s gambling addiction by constantly watching her whereabouts. Both my older brother and sister ended up attending community college instead of a four-year university due to our financial conflicts. They also ended up getting part-time jobs to help pay off bills. Being the youngest, I still had the potential in going straight to a four-year university. My dad resigned AceFa Systems and joined a new business in selling dental implants. He brought my mom into the business, thus giving her an opportunity to apply herself. </p>
<p>We also obtained help from my grandparents savings. My grandmother was there always praying for our family and especially for my future, since I still had a fighting chance in reviving my family’s financial status. She always reminisced about my uncle and how he was very similar to me, but ended up making the wrong choices through drug addiction. My grandmother hopes that I won’t end up like my uncle and go towards the other direction. She really had a big impact on my life as I see her as my first teacher, since my parents were rarely there for me. My goal is to prove to her that I can apply myself within the real world and hopefully provide my family with a happier future.</p>
<p>However, I was also very naive; I did get good grades, but I never had any impact on my surroundings. I never did anything to help my community, but all of this changed when I entered junior year in high school. I volunteered at the public library and then at the local Petsmart. Giving back to the community increased my understanding of how work isn’t all about money. It made me realize that I should lean towards a career that the world actually needs. Most of my family members have careers in business; they only care about their own financial status. I now realize that I am the one who needs to choose a different path. After thinking long and hard for four years, I have finally decided what I want to do for my generation. Having a love for science and math, I aspire to be a chemical engineer in hope of advancing our future for the masses.</p>
<p>Poverty at a young age inspired me; I now know I should never put money ahead of my true goals. Now, I only look at whether an opportunity for work will make me a better person, instead of worrying about the financial aspects. </p>