Please suggest some schools based on my dmajord major and career path.

<p>Please excuse the title( still a little new to the forums) it should say desired major.</p>

<p>Hello, I would like to be an Actuary
I don't, however want to major in actuarial science.
I'd like to double major in Computer Science and Econmics, and so far my dream school is Stanford.</p>

<p>I am a High school student in New York and am looking for some good "Reach Schools" ( like possibly Queens College) and also some schools with a little bit more prestige in order to further my education and follow this path.</p>

<p>Would really appreciate some suggestions or advice.
Thank You</p>

<p>Rice University
Maybe Tufts and Lehigh?</p>

<p>Thanks for posting</p>

<p>A friend of mine actually got accepted to Cornell, and I am researching the school now.
Is cornell essentially good in the economics field?</p>

<p>OP, what are your stats (GPA, scores)? What can your family afford?</p>

<p>For actuarial work, you may want to see the [Be</a> an Actuary](<a href=“”> web site for recommendations on what courses to include in your studies.</p>

<p>@erin’s dad : My GPA is 3.6 my SAT scores are pretty subparr so I’d rather not mention them but I have 36 composite score on the ACT exam. An 800 on the SaT2 Math level 2.( only one worth mentioning) and I am going to take the SAT2 in US history and retake Physics this October. Does that help?</p>

Yes:) I’ve used be an actuary .com for a few years now, but I’d rather not major in Actuarial Science because why major in college when it’s really the exams that matter.</p>

<p>Make sure you send your ACT not your SAT 1</p>

<p>@barrk123 Noted!!! But my dream school Stanford requires you to send SAT1 scores if you have taken them ( on my application to the other colleges I intend to send in only ACt)</p>

<p>Personally I’m a little curious wondering how they would know if took it or not.( ~)
I spoke with a admission councilor on the phone a few weeks back and he clAimed “while we see both scores we usually focus on the higher one when admitting” which I somewhat doubt.</p>

<p>With a 36 ACT your scores will NOT be what keeps you out of Stanford. I wouldn’t worry about that. What can your family afford? Are you looking for merit or financial (need based) aid?</p>

<p>I would have to say I am more need based.</p>

<p>I suggest Carnegie Mellon (CMU) for computer science and economics.</p>

<p>Cmu is on my list now thank you!</p>