Please Take a look at this and give me some feedback


<p>I posted this probably about three weeks ago and didn't get too many replies, so I'm just giving it another go because I'm really not too terribly sure where I stand with this. Thanks!</p>

<p>white f, first generation
GPA: 3.85uw Rank: 62/501
SAT: 1950 (retook in oct)
subject tests in november...
PSAT: 212</p>

<p>IB Diploma Program
HLs: English, History, Biology
SLs: Psych, Spanish, Math
IB psych: 7/7
AP Bio: 4</p>

<p>Main ECs:</p>

<p>-Played violin for 11yrs
-Colorado State U. Quartet Program
-Honor Orchestra
-School Chamber Orchestra and pit orchestra
-Some festivals</p>

-3rd place public speaking</p>

<p>-Student Community Involvement Team (city-wide): President</p>

<p>-Colorado Youth Summit Board of Directors</p>

<p>-CSU Intensive English program speaking volunteer</p>

<p>-Science olympiad
-Regional and state 1st place medals
-National competitor</p>

<p>-Golf Team</p>

<p>-Student Council (committee chair)</p>

<p>-Work (since 9th grade)
-Soccer Referee for 1.5yrs
-Food service job for 1yr
-Current retail job (15-20hrs/wk)</p>

Summer scholarship at Colorado College for a writing course
Intel Sci Fair special recognition regionally, "army award for outstanding project" or something along those lines
National Merit Commended</p>

NYU Gallatin (1st choice so that I can try to combine english,philosophy, and film majors, but I'm probably never going to get the aid I need)
Pratt (writing major)
Any other NYC schools?</p>

<p>Good at NYU, Fordham....</p>

<p>NYU Gallatin - Match
Fordham - Low Match/Safety
Pratt - Low Match/Safety</p>