Please tell me about the Football team.

<p>My son received a recruiting letter from the Head Coach at Kenyon. what Level do they play ie. D1, D1AA, D2, or D3. Do they scholarship the athletes? Is there much to do there? Do they have Engineering majors? How many people go to the games? Is football important to the studaents at Kenyon? I do not mean like life or death, but does the student population care about the team?
I am not sure where he fits in on the college football landscape, he has received letters from some of the Ivies, Syracuse, and others. I will try to assess the schools and give him an idea of what they may be like, then let him decide where to visit.Thanks for any help given.</p>

<p>Going to Kenyon would be more about academics, friendships and a future career, and less about football as it is a DIII school and does not recruit purely on athletic merit.</p>

<p>Also, no engineering majors, but strong in the sciences and math.</p>

<p>Thanks for your help.</p>