Please tell me about the Marching Band

<p>How difficult is it to make the band and what is the time commitment? Is it possible to participate as an engineering or computer science major - or is it too difficult to manage with the technical curriculum?</p>

<p>My son would be in the drumline…which at some schools is very difficult to make (for example, at Michigan State - the other school he is considering.)</p>

<p>[Million</a> Dollar Band | University of Alabama Bands](<a href=“]Million”>Million Dollar Band Camp – The University of Alabama Bands | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>There’s a contact us link. They will be able to give precise details.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I’m pretty sure a MDB parent (or two) posts here. I just can’t remember who! Hopefully they will chime in.</p>

<p>My D is part of the MDB, as a piccolo player. She’s very good, and was section leader of her high school band and first chair in the local youth orchestra (flute). So I’m not sure how difficult it is to get in. Everyone from her high school who auditioned made it, but we have a fabulous band program. </p>

<p>There is band practice every day, Monday through Friday, from 4:00 to 5:30. I believe they can miss one rehearsal a week due to a class conflict. On home game days, they have rehearsals in the mornings, followed by warm-up practice and the Elephant Stomp out on the quad just before the game. It’s huge time commitment.</p>

<p>D has decided she is a biology major with a concentration in molecular biology with a double minor in music (flute) and psychology. (She may drop the psychology minor; that’s likely because her boyfriend is a psychology major and they want to take classes together.) She is also part of the Emerging Scholars program, which will require her to be involved in a research projects first semester of sophomore year. She wants to continue to be heavily involved in research after that.</p>

<p>She’s decided that freshman year is the only year she’ll be able to fit the Million Dollar Band into her schedule. She wants to participate in concert band as well (her true love), and that is compatible with research schedule demands. However, this semester both the Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band had rehearsal times that conflicted with the one time Honors Bio was offered, so she didn’t even audition. She’s hoping there won’t be a conflict with Honors Bio and the concert band rehearsal times for next semester. She would also love to be part of the Huxford Symphony, but again, conflict with Honors Bio, so she didn’t audition. (Not that many flute players ever make it, since there are so many excellent flute players and only about 3 flute positions available.)</p>

<p>The MDB is going on a 10-day tour of Italy this May in honor of their 100th anniversary, so D is very excited that she’ll be able to go on that trip before she retires from the MDB. She’s hoping the football team’s fabulous season will continue so she can go to at least a fabulous bowl game, if not a championship game.</p>

<p>How do trips to Atlanta and New Orleans sound, BAMAMom2Be?</p>

<p>She’d be thrilled to go anywhere, but she was ga-ga-eyed when one of her former high school bandmates told her about the MDB’s fabulous trip out to the BSC championship game in California. I think she’s really dreaming of a trip to California or Hawaii!</p>

<p>She’s been to Atlanta many times with her high school band, so that wouldn’t be as exciting, but she hasn’t been to New Orleans since she was about 8, so that would be an exciting trip.</p>

<p>My son is a freshman and engineering major. He is also involved in the emerging scholars program which he will start in January. He is also involved in other clubs etc. He loves the band but it is a HUGE time committment. Like the poster above, my son came from a fabulous band program so he knew what he was doing and what is generally expected of a high caliber performer. It is just the time in involved. Even though practice is 4-5:30 everyday, it really starts earlier because you have to get yourself to the field, get your stuff ready etc. And when it is over, pack everything back up. And game day of course is very busy.</p>

<p>As mentioned previously, that afternoon time slot interferes with a lot of things and classes with labs. Because my son came in with a lot of credit, he can afford to have a light schedule this semester. But once the engineering classes kick in, I’m not sure how it is going to go. He intends on participating next year and has not mentioned concert band season. He will not be going on the trip.</p>

<p>He plays the mellophone and says all the kids are great. He has made a lot of friends and finds the leadership fine. Good luck with your decision. Roll Tide.</p>

<p>When he was deciding on Alabama, he contacted Dr. Ozzello and he spent about an hour with him. He answered all our questions and was a great inspiration for my son. He met with him in the spring of junior year.</p>

<p>Any more questions, just ask. I’ll be happy to help you as I was happy when someone helped me.</p>

<p>Thanks very much for the information. I don’t think my son will be able to commit that much time to the marching band…and from reading the website info, it sounds like it is even more demanding for the drumline. I actually think he would enjoy the concert band even more, and it sounds like the commitment is not as great. I really appreciate all your replies, links and contacts.</p>

<p>The MDB is going on a 10-day tour of Italy this May in honor of their 100th anniversary,</p>

<p>I think they’re also going to Spain…but not sure.</p>

<p>Do you know what they’ll be doing in Italy (and/or Spain)…where they’ll be performing and for what/who?</p>

<p>I would really suggest you meet with Dr. O before he makes that decision. I wasn’t sure my son would be able to handle the band and the engineering program and he is having no problems. It is all about time management. But I do realize that the drumline is a whole different ballgame. I see from another thread you are planning a visit. When you come, plan to visit the Moody Music building and talk with someone. It all might just work out:) Our regional rep set up the appointment with Dr. O. and the dean of engineering when we visited. We just did a regular tour (no honors stuff) and met with those two folks. A very impressive day I have to say. It sealed the deal for my son.</p>

<p>I have to say, I’ve never met more accomodating folks than the people who work at Alabama. They return phones calls, meet with you on a timely basis and just generally make you feel special. I am from Virginia and I’ve never expereinced anything like it. My son says the same thing. He doesn’t even want to come home for fall break but we bought him a plane ticket. And he will not be coming home for Thanksgving due to the Iron Bowl.</p>

<p>Good luck with your decisions. PM me if you want more details. Roll Tide!!!</p>