<p>Hi! I was just wondering if anybody has any information about South Dakota State U in Brookings? If you have any info, experiences know anyone that went there/currently attends there I would really appreciate it :) I'm considering to go there to major in Economics.</p>
<p>I looked into SD State a little bit, so maybe I can help.</p>
<p>SDSU is a land-grant institution and lives up to the original intent of that designation: to serve the state of South Dakota by educating its people and applying research to solve state issues.</p>
<p>Unusually, the Econ department is located in the College of Agriculture, not Arts & Sciences. This indicates the department’s strong focus on agricultural and applied economics.</p>
<p>What do you want to do with your econ degree? The department seems to have an unusually strong internship program, but they don’t post information on where students typically intern. I would guess that most students track into the agricultural industry, major Brookings employers like Daktronics and 3M, and the banking and health industries in Sioux Falls.</p>
<p>If you are interested in graduate studies in economics, a strong math background is essential. The SDSU math department has most of the expected mathematics courses. In addition, they offer a track in financial engineering that appears to be popular with students looking to work for banks in Sioux Falls.</p>
<p>The campus is very pretty, at least according to the photos I have seen. I believe they recently built a very nice new rec center. Visiting would be a good idea if it is possible.</p>
<p>Brookings is a small eastern SD college town. It has Daktronics HQ as well as some manufacturing facilities, but for the most part the landscape is dominated by farms. The rural lifestyle would likely be quite a transition coming from the Twin Cities. Not necessarily better or worse, just different.</p>
<p>I know diversity is an important issue for you. Like the state of South Dakota as a whole, SDSU is a very white campus. However, unlike one of the other schools you have considered, I have not heard of any overt racist incidents on campus. If you have the opportunity to talk with a diversity recruiter, that might be helpful.</p>
<p>@noimagination: Thanks for the response :)</p>
<p>I know, right! I also noticed that with NDSU as well…that their econ dept. is in the college of agriculture In the future I would like to work for a bank, go into consulting and become a financial analyst…something like that. I know that CITI bank is in sioux falls…that would be pretty sweet if i could intern there…but i mean I could probably land summer internships and stay home here in MN and intern at 3M, Target…whereever there are so many companies here in MN! In the future I might want to et my MBA. I think.</p>
<p>Really, the only thing I’m worried about is SDSU’s lack of diversity. I even looked up the numbers on College Board…and they don’t look to good… I think a lot of farm kids go there
Yes, I’ve been in touch with the minority admissions rep/Diversity recruiter…he called me few days a go actually. I’m also worried that me being a city person that I am…idk if I’d be able to survive rural SD …lol. I even mentioned this to the representative and he told me there are tons of things to do on campus.He also mentioned that Sioux Falls is 40 mins away.I really would like to volunteer and intern…but SDSU’s location is so rural! I hope I wont’t go bored out of my mind. But then again, I there to study my ass off not to socialize…i guess :/</p>
<p>In all honestly, I would like to transfer out of there after 2 years to the U of MN-Twin Cities (CLA or CSOM) or Emory University if I get lucky :)</p>
<p>do you think I should pick St.Cloud state? I’m very worried about their racist rep :/</p>
<p>Many banks have offices in Sioux Falls and Rapid City because of SD’s low state taxes. IIRC, Citi’s credit card division is based in Sioux Falls.</p>
<p>Investment banking is probably a no-go from any of these schools unless you have connections. But there are probably many commercial banking opportunities in the region.</p>
<p>SDSU is an ag school. If you can’t stand the idea of living with “farm kids” this is not the place for you. I’m sure there are plenty of opportunities for volunteering. But you really should try to visit and decide whether the rural lifestyle would work for you.</p>
<p>I see no reason whatsoever to pick St. Cloud State. SDSU is better all-around for your situation. On the other hand, I don’t know whether community college is at all an option for you at this point. To me, the competition is between CC and SDSU.</p>
<p>EDIT: Regarding transferring, I obviously support your desire to transfer to a school that fits you (especially if it’s UMN lol :)). But I think it’s a good idea to approach wherever you enroll with the perspective of doing as well there as possible, not aiming to get out of Dodge.</p>
<p>Well, diversity in SD means native American a lot of the time. You’re not too far from a number of reservations. Honestly, it’s a wonderfully unique opportunity. I did some graduate work down the road at USD It’s hard to describe how different this kind of multiculturalism is from the variety I experienced at other campuses not very far away.</p>
<p>@noimagination: honestly, I would rather go to a CC. But at this point, due to family issues, housing & transportations conflicts…going to a college and living on campus would make my life easier. I also have tuition reciprocity w/ SD so I can afford it.</p>
<p>@ordinarylives: really?! that’s great to hear. I have a feeling that SD might = culture shock for me haha.</p>
<p>I went to South Dakota State a couple decades ago and my roommate was from the Twin Cities. My hometown, Brookings, is a fairly small city (6th largest in South Dakota). We used to drive to the Twin Cities to see international films, back in the day. There are a couple ethnic restaurants and one ethnic grocery, one movie theatre with six screens. For major shopping you drive to Sioux Falls, a little less than an hour away.</p>
<p>Farming and ranching are definitely still major industries in South Dakota.</p>
<p>Economics departments within a College of Agriculture are not unusual at land grant universities, although it is a bit unusual to have the <em>only</em> econ. dept. at the university in the Ag school. You should be able to get the same basic econ courses as at any university. It is likely that real-life examples from a prof’s research will be ag-related in some way. If you do ultimately transfer to U MN, taking the basic courses in an Ag Econ dept. should not be a problem.</p>
<p>There are two clubs on campus that suggest there is at least SOME diversity. Maybe you could contact the club executives to find out how they find the cultural aspects of campus? I always think students with personal experience will be more honest and accurate than university staff members:</p>
<p>African Students’ Association
[Clubs</a> Details](<a href=“http://www.sdstate.edu/campus/clubsorgs/club-details.cfm?customel_datapageid_289987=713745]Clubs”>http://www.sdstate.edu/campus/clubsorgs/club-details.cfm?customel_datapageid_289987=713745)</p>
<p>Black Student Alliance
[Clubs</a> Details](<a href=“http://www.sdstate.edu/campus/clubsorgs/club-details.cfm?customel_datapageid_289987=715327]Clubs”>http://www.sdstate.edu/campus/clubsorgs/club-details.cfm?customel_datapageid_289987=715327)</p>
<p>@sdgirl66: that’s so nice to see that you’re a sdsu alumna did the classes at sdsu challenge you? i hope so that are b/c i want to be challenged in college. </p>
<p>@starbright: thanks for the links. I will try to email those students :)</p>
<p>I’m kind of disappointed in their course offerings while i was browsing through their online course catalog [South</a> Dakota State University - acalog ACMS?](<a href=“South Dakota State University - Acalog ACMS™”>South Dakota State University - Acalog ACMS™) but i was happy to see they offer 2 levels of arabic :)</p>
<p>their econ. program seems weak. I think that’s okay b/c i’ll be transferring after 2 years and I’ll be taking only genEds? </p>
<p>@noimagination: so overall should i pick sdsu over scsu? do you think it will hurt me in transfer admssions transferring from SDSU?</p>
<p>^ I generally prefer not to criticize things I have never experienced, and I have no personal experience with SCSU. But I have never heard anything good about it except in hockey. I think SDSU is a better choice. It certainly doesn’t have a lesser reputation.</p>
<p>The only exception is that the UMN system may be a bit more familiar with processing applicants from SCSU, but I don’t think that would be a big deal.</p>
<p>I have no clue how you define a strong econ program and I’m not really sure what you want to get out of an econ degree. So I can’t help you there.</p>
<p>it’s official! I’ve already sent in my deposits + freshman orientation (nso). I’m so excited!</p>
<p>If anyone else has anything to contribute please do so!</p>
<p>My daughter went to USD and when the Coyotes and the Jack Rabbits played in the Dakota Dome the Jack Rabbits threw frozen dead jack rabbits that they had smuggled in at the cheerleaders. Oh those crazy college kids!</p>
<p>Congratulations! Glad you have made a decision and best wishes!</p>
<p>Fabulous! You had many things to consider and needed to search for what was right for you. I’m so glad you are on your way! Isn’t it great to make a carefully researched choice and then move forward?! Brava and much success at SDSU! Stay open and discover all the new experiences of the university environment, from starry skies to new friends with skills and perspectives unknown to city-dwellers. :)</p>
<p>@Starbrihgt, midwestmom & paying3tuitions: Thank You!!! :)</p>
<p>I was just wondering if anyone else out there has any input…I have frosh orientation next month over there…</p>
<p>It will be fun for you to meet some of the other new freshmen at orientation!</p>
<p>^ I’m looking forward to going…so I hope it’ll be fun!</p>
<p>Does anyone else know anything about SDSU?</p>
<p>I once met someone from Brookings. He said it was a really nice town, so I guess that’s good news? Sorry that wasn’t more helpful lol.</p>
<p>I just had my orientation. Not at SDSU, but the schedule is probably kinda similar. I’d recommend making sure you have all your needed documents and then just trying to be as open and outgoing as possible. You will have a much better time if you are friendly and get along with people. Try to think about what you want to take before registration too.</p>
<p>Wait, I didn’t realize this was in the parents area. Guess I don’t belong here?</p>