<p>I was accepted a couple weeks ago, they said that the honors program is more than full and we can apply during 2nd semester for it. We take our placement exams and get our orientation dates after we send in the deposit...the thing to do now is just wait</p>
<p>You have three placement exams. Math, chemistry, and language. The math placement test is online and you need to complete it before coming to orientation. Chemistry placement test will be on your first day of orientation. If you want to try and place out of classes in one of the more popular languages (Spanish, French, and German IIRC), then the placement test will also be on the first day of orientation. If you want to try and place out of classes in a different language, you'll need to contact that department and schedule an individual meeting for placement.</p>
<p>This has about everything you need to know. The important sections you should read are Chapter III, as it contains all the general graduation requirements, and "Bulletin: Concentration and degrees program lists", as it will tell you what classes are required for each concentration.</p>
<p>You can see a list of all the classes being offered for next semester here, but keep in mind that some may be full and some may conflict with each other, so just browse through this to find some classes you'll be interested in taking. Once you get a better idea for what you need/want to take, you can use the backpack feature of wolverineaccess to try and create a mock-schedule. This isn't completely necessary (they'll help you through it at orientation if you don't), but it's nice to have an idea as to how things work beforehand).</p>