SAT single sitting: 2110
SAT II: Chem: 710, CHinese:800, USH: 690 (I still need to take MATH II, but i'm sure i can score 750) ( i'm gonna retake chem i'm sure i can get 750+ because i walked in on it first time)
GPA: 4.02 unweighted
Ranked: not sure, but top 5%
2 years missions trip + was a leader
Varsity basketball: 2 years, captain 1 year
Varsity soccer: 1 year
volunteer: About 300 hours at local hospital
2 years Light crew: stage manager</p>
<p>Probably gonna major in chem.
thanks guys ;)</p>
<p>jrt336 in some high schools they assign an A+ with a value of 4.33 and an A with a value of 4.0. so it is possible to have a 4.02 uw average. however, based on these stats this person has a VERY good chance. then again, what he wrote is not a lot of info and it can not provide a very good indication if he/she will be accepted. however, if the rest of the application is on par or better than the information provided he/she should get in. just make sure you kick butt on the essays.</p>