<p>In general which one is better?!</p>
<p>I'm almost 99% sure HPME is better</p>
<p>what makes it better?!</p>
<p>well looking at rankings, it's much higher, brown plme for their undergrad years tend to be ultra-lazy and not do too much, less intense in general</p>
<p>Do u have a site that shows rankings?</p>
<p>celebrian25, I think you're making a harsh generalization. </p>
brown plme for their undergrad years tend to be ultra-lazy and not do too much, less intense in general
<p>By ultra-lazy, do you mean less competitive? Because I agree that Brown seems to have a less competitive atmosphere than most colleges of its caliber. Almost any Brown undergrad on this board will tell you that.</p>
<p>I haven't seen any evidence that the average PLME student has a lower GPA than the average non-PLME student at Brown. And PLME students seem to be just as involved as non-PLME students: When I spoke to the Brown EMS director this spring, he said that many many EMS volunteers are PLME. </p>
<p>Besides, dcircle is a PLME student. He doesn't strike me as ultra-lazy at all. Quite to the contrary.</p>
looking at rankings, [HPME is] much higher
<p>Northwestern Med definitely does well in rankings (#20 in research, no rank in primary care, according to USNews), but really no better than Brown (#40 in research, #15 in primary care). But remember, the med school rankings are heavily based on admissions, and Brown doesn't have too many numbers to report by way of admissions, since most of its students come directly from PLME. Also, my impression has always been that med school rankings end up not determining how good of a doctor you become.</p>
<p>I think the choice between HPME and PLME comes down to what you want out of your college/med school experience. Just to give you some basics: HPME is an accelerated 7-year program, and students live on the Evanston campus for their undergrad years and on the Chicago campus for their med school years. PLME is an 8-year program (aka not accelerated), and students live on the same campus for all 8 years. I'm sure if you do more research, you'll find some differences in terms of emphasis, requirements, personality, etc.</p>
<p>I know all that, I'm not downing PLME at all. but brown students on cc have said time and time again that plme students are lazier than regular students because they know they have a garunteed place. And I know they're aren't any trustworthy ratings of bs/md programs, just med schools, but the rankings I have seen rank HPME is 1 or 2 and brown usually lower. And these are generlizations. I'm not calling them lazy in the way you're referring to at all</p>
<p>Ok, that's fair. But I do think that the few times that Brown students have called PLME students lazy, they're speaking with some resentment or with some isolated incident in mind. And they're usually proven wrong by people who know better (or PLME students themselves)</p>
<p>isn't that just medical schools, not the actual bs/md programs? (my computer takes like 5 minutes to open the us news rankings)</p>
<p>Yea. I'm not aware of any bs/md rankings. I'm sure they're out there, though.</p>
<p>But I can't imagine what the difference would be. I mean, the quality of Northwestern Med is the same for HPME and non-HPME students alike. I think.</p>
<p>i know but don't you take different undegrad courses for hpme since it's accelerated?</p>
<p>I actually have no idea. I think many accelerated programs (Penn State, for example) require you to take courses over the summer to make up for the lost time. </p>
<p>At any rate, I hate rankings, and I think that if you're going to spend 7 or 8 years at a certain place, you should consider many many things beyond rankings.</p>
<p>The good thing about PLME is that you space our your med and liberal arts classes to a certain extent, so that while the program isn't accelerated, you can take, say, a class in music or history while you are in your second year of med school... that is very rare.</p>
<p>Does the non-PLME student who studies pre-med gets the same education of a PLME student? And do u need to have IB or AP to be considered for both???</p>
<p>yep, PLMEs take the same classes non-PLMEs do.</p>
<p>You don't need AP/IB, but obviously for admissions sake, if your school has them and you didnt take them, that doesnt look good.</p>