pls settle my nerves: does "submitted" mean "sent"?

<p>I'm not used to the Common Ap forms; for me they are new on this round.
The Common Ap site says his were "submitted" and everyone here emphasized "Push Send." We also went through all the Visa payments which went through fine...
Did we do it right? Does "submitted" mean we're done for now???</p>

<p>Please reply someone. I'm really feeling badly not to know stuff, and we had such a rush (I'm the one whose son skipped llth grade, rushed the process this fall, had the postage error). </p>

<p>I'm usually very good at things. Not this round. </p>

<p>Please reply...</p>

<p>Yes, submitted should mean "sent."</p>

<p>Make sure you submit the supplement too -- its on a separate page and you have to send it from there. The website should indicate that the school has downladed the application and give the date and time that they did it.</p>

<p>thank you, berurah!</p>

<p>yes, whylion-- we did that (only as an afterthought because I was troubled and rechecked all our work...sure enough, we discovered that AND before deadline). I sure appreciate your "extra" thinking on my behalf. I almost missed that step last week.</p>

<p>I'll be ready for grandchildren. These older kids are wearin' me out!! (Not really, I love them deeply and have great relationships with them).</p>

<p>The problem with today's small families is that by the time we parents learn the ins and outs of all the complicated procedures involved in a particular stage of growing up -- whether it's toilet training or college applications -- we no longer need the knowledge because our kids have grown into a different stage.</p>

<p>It might be better if families still had five or six kids, but I can't imagine going through this process (or paying for college!) that many times.</p>

<p>When the college actually receives your son's app, "submitted" will change to "downloaded." This just means they actually downloaded it from the Common App server or something. It's normal for it to take a couple days to change.</p>