<p>Chance me for: Temple U, U Pitt, Penn State, Drexel U, U of Delaware, and just because, Carnegie Mellon U.</p>
<p>SAT- 2070
ACT- 31
GPA- 3.80
Courses taken:
Freshman year: Honors- English, Geometry, Western Civ. Academic- German II, ECA, Photoshop I, Gym
Sophomore year: APs- none. Honors- English, Algebra II, Chemistry I, Culture Studies, German III. Academic- Bio II, Gym+Health
Junior year: APs- US Hist., Chem II, and Lang. Honors- Physics, German IV. Academic- Trig/Analysis, Gym
Senior year course load: APs- Econ, Bio, Calc AB, Ger. Honors- English</p>
Debate Team (4 years)- LD and Congress. Congress Captain for Junior year and will be overall Team Captain Senior Year
FBLA (3 years)- went to states for Job Interview and Public Speaking II
Freshman Soccer Team
After School Additional Science Program- its this thing that makes science kits to help get middle school students interested in science.
Peer Tutoring- over 100 hours
Volunteering- over 250 hours- majority was at a hospital
Academic Team (1year)</p>
<p>ill chance back too. Thanks!</p>