PO Box

<p>Is it necessary to rent a Post Office Box since package delivery is available for free ? How much is the rental fee for a PO Box?</p>

<p>Next year mail delivery will be different as there is no longer a government run post office at the Ferg. None of us really know how it will work. My guess is that packages will be delivered to the one central mail location at the Ferg and there will no longer be delivery at Paty. I am sure we will hear more in the summer. Last year August/September mail and package delivery were a nightmare. I am guessing that it won’t be much better this year while they are getting set up/use to everything so I am suggesting to my son to plan NOT mail any of his books to Alabama just in case.</p>

<p>All true. Last fall was an unmitigated disaster. Kids were waiting 2 hours to get packages. I hope the new system will be better. This is a rare example of where UA is not managing their explosive growth very well at all. Here’s to better package/postal service, better shuttle/348-Ride Service and expanded dining hours at Fresh Foods.</p>

<p>And longer weekend hours at The Supe!!!</p>

<p>I was told that the USPS-operated post office in the Ferguson Center just closed a couple days ago and that UA Campus Mail would be moving in shortly after some renovations were completed. Information about the new mail system will be announced sometime in the next couple of months. </p>

<p>It has been mentioned that the new mail center will be open longer hours for package pickup and that computers and postal machines will be available to purchase stamps and shipping labels for USPS, UPS, and FedEx. The ability to ship via UPS and FedEx is new; previously one had to go to the UPS Store to ship via UPS and walk around campus to find a FedEx truck or drive to the FedEx Office (Kinko’s) location on McFarland Blvd. near I-20/59 to ship via FedEx.</p>

<p>The Ferg’s Facebook page posted this yesterday: </p>

<p>“Just a reminder that the Ferg post office is now closed for the summer. The new, expanded post office will be located on the first floor of the Ferg, and should be fully operational in August. It will provide outbound mail services at the customer service counters, students can mail letters and packages, purchase postage, etc, and there will be a kiosk station set up in the lobby for students who need to ship outbound UPS or FedEx items.”</p>

<p>DS will be on campus this summer, he said that he heard a rumor that he could retain the same PO box number.</p>

<p>I heard that rumour too, the last week of school…but, sadly, he turned in the keys, so he relinquished his # I guess. Maybe it is just wishful thinking. Maybe UA will pick up the same box #s somehow with their new system? Perhaps instead of “PO Box”, it will “UA Box”, and the #s will be the same, but just a slightly different designation. Keep us posted (ha, ha) on the summer mail situation Sacto! ;)</p>