Point me in the right direction

<p>I'm currently a junior this year.
I've slacked off the first couple years of high school and now I'm fully regretting it.
My weighted Avg. is currently an 83.827
I'm taking 2 honors (factor 9) classes and one AP.
My weighted average this year is pushing a 100. I should have an 88 weighted avg. by the end of this year.</p>

<p>As far as EC's go...
Varsity Bowling- 9,10..discontinuing
Varsity Tennis-10 (will be continuing through 11 and 12)
some community service
joined Italian club, and will be joining Human rights and Leo Club
In church youth group
I have kept many of my teachers close to me and should obtain outstanding letters of recommendation from them as well as my guidance counseler.</p>

<p>I have been studying for the SATs and hope to get the best score possible.
The only college I wish to attend is Binghamton University, but I know i will need many safety schools. (Fredonia, Buffalo, Stony Brook, etc..?)</p>

<p>I hope to be taking 3 or 4 AP classes next year.
I know colleges look for improvements and continual growth...is it too late for me?</p>