Point park MT program

<p>Irish MT—thanks for your comments. Really helpful! When did she audition for the MT minor, and how quickly was she approved? Also, did she audition for the BFA Acting sophomore year? Does it seem as if it’s difficult to get approved for the BFA track? Again, I’m getting variable responses from people, even current students. I don’t expect that 100% of students are allowed to progress from the BA to the BFA, but I’d be worried if only 50% make it in a typical year. Thanks!</p>

<p>Odd Dad,
I think she got into MT minor early soph year. It took 2 times to try for BFA. After 1st time they asked her to come back in year and try again. Some were asked to wait only 1 semester. I really feel that they really look at the students growth individually. It is true that not all students end up with BFA, but the reality is once they get in the performance field it doesn’t matter which degree you have it is about the training you received.</p>

<p>Irish MT – my Son has been accepted for Acting. One of my concerns is Acting vs. MT. The MT minor is interesting as my son is late to singing. How has your daughter liked the Acting major at PP? Did she feel like she had a lot of opportnities in various productions or is there a perceived or real favoritism for MT? This whole process is so foreign to me and we got a very late start. We are trying to catch up quickly and I think PP is my son’s current favorite. We are from Pittsburgh so I have a little concern that it is too close.</p>

<p>We are attending the admitted student day in two weeks so we hope to meet a lot of the current students.</p>

<p>I spoke to my son (a third year MT student at PPU) about your concerns, fink26. He said that no one really talks about Acting vs. MT or BA vs. BFA. Auditions are open to everyone. The outcomes of the auditions are based on what is shown at the audition NOT what your major is. Auditions are open equally to BOTH acting and MT majors.</p>

<p>My daughter was accepted to PPU’s MT program yesterday. I am VERY HAPPY with the education my son is receiving and am VERY HAPPY that my daughter will also be going there.</p>

<p>I’ll also be at the Admitted Students Day. Hope to meet you then.</p>

<p>We will be at Admitted Students Day (Theatre Experience, as it’s called) with our son also. Can’t wait to learn more about this program and mrsannalenowens, I will definitely be finding you and chatting you up :)</p>

<p>Thanks mrsannaleonownes. I look forward to meeting you and your daughter and mcpcwhite. This is my oldest child and theatre is way out of my comfort zone so this is all very new. I believe PP is his clear first choice and this will be a good opportunity to show me the school.</p>

<p>Looking forward to meeting all of you, also! If you have any other questions, I will be able to answer as a parent… But, truly, I am a very particular parent (also a high school guidance counselor). Point Park has met all my expectations on both levels.</p>

<p>Who all will be at the theatre experience on April 5?</p>

<p>We will definitely be there! Flying up this afternoon and cannot wait!</p>

<p>I am here in the cafe for accepted students day. Am unable to open my message. Not very iPhone saavy</p>

<p>We would love to hear what people who attended the admitted students day thought of the program, so if any of you have any thoughts, please post!</p>

<p>It secured my son’s decision. He loved the faculty and the classes he sat in on. The performances by conservatory students were phenomenonal, reflecring a very high quality of training. The Q&A session with faculty was very helpful and revealed that there is great interest in mentoring and individual attention. The campus ia very cool and urban in a safe area. I have no negatives to report! It is where my son completely sees himself belonging…a great fit for him. Please feel free to PM me if you want.</p>

<p>Sent from my SCH-I535 using CC</p>

<p>Thanks for the info mcpcwhite - and so glad that your S is so happy in his decision! We just visited Point Park last week and my S really liked what he saw - seemed like a good fit for him too. He is still only a sophomore, but he definitely plans to apply when his turn comes. Best of luck to your S, and I hope you will let us know your S’s thoughts once he actually gets started!</p>

<p>My son also attended last Friday. He and I were very impressed. We are local and I was not sure that I wanted him to stay so close but the whole day was very eye opening. A ton of enthusiasm, the students were talented and excited to be there and the professors were very interested in the students. It ws much better than some other tours we took. I think before the day my son was about 65% to PP but afterwards he was 99% and the 1% was likely to humor me. We sent our deposit in and are very excited about the program.</p>

<p>fink26, close…far…it doesn’t matter. Once they are in school, if they are engaged and working hard, you don’t see much of them whether they are two zip codes away or two time zones!</p>

<p>We have a MT 17 facebook group if you are accepted and would like to join just request it:
<a href=“https://www.facebook.com/groups/493734637350584/[/url]”>https://www.facebook.com/groups/493734637350584/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Is everyone still happy with the program a year in? My D went to admitted student day last week and loved it…just looking for reassurance:)</p>

<p>^Yes, I am a freshman MT here and I love it more than I did when I toured. I feel myself becoming an artist who can act dance and sing, while in a supportive environment to learn and grow. I love my teachers and the school. I completely am still very happy. </p>

<p>Thanks much!</p>