Point park musical theatre auditions 2018 MT

Does Point Park really audition 1000 applicants? Ugh-that is a lot. Anyone?

I think that includes applicants beyond musical theatre. But I do know they audition hundreds of kids (we know several who have attended).

Point Park is an administrative joke. They cancelled auditions a couple of weeks ago with less than 12 hours notice because of snow and are not rescheduling that date. Meanwhile, CMU had their auditions that weekend as scheduled.

It was not the decision of the theater department to cancel auditions. It was the decision of the school, which cancelled all activities that day, including callbacks for the theater students at the school for the spring shows.

@FrustratedMTDad so sorry to hear they aren’t rescheduling. Are they allowing video submissions?

I am so surprised PP is not rescheduling. I agree with @MThopeful2022 - perhaps they should accept video submissions from the kids who had audition slots.

I thought that I had read somewhere that they had scheduled an alternate date…they must be allowing videos.

I believe they rescheduled for last weekend. Has anyone who has auditioned for MT heard back with a yes or no?

Haven’t heard anything yet re artistic decision…Website says artistic decisions would go out starting March 14.

@MThopeful2022 Thanks. I wasn’t sure if they had already started notifying students because some schools say March but have already sent decisions.

Point Park notifies everyone at once, usually mid-March. My daugher’s year it was March 15.

Sorry…wrong thread.

Do they tell you one way or another if you have been artistically accepted?


I am sad to see such a harsh comment. The school closed that day due to the weather. Yes it is unfortunate it was last minute. My daughter attends Point Park and absolutely LOVES her choice. The faculty are always available for her questions. Her ballet teacher stayed after class many times to prepare my daughter for an audition. The dance department and advisement are also always available for questions. They are caring and supportive. I know that does not help with your cancelled audition but I am confident they did not cancel that with out careful consideration. Good luck to you and I hope you were able to figure out a solution with the school.

@dancequestions Another PPU mom here. D is BFA Acting, but takes voice and dance through Community Classes. She also loves Point Park. Her roommate is a dance major. Is your D a dance major by any chance?

Yes she is!! My D is also taking voice through the PPU community classes. Loves the school! She said they had fun yesterday at the parade. Trying to see the show ( I believe its Chorus Line) this weekend or next at Pittsburgh Playhouse but next week she is performing in student choreography and “Impulse” too I believe.